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Thread: Coronavirus update - NO MORE RESTRICTIONS

  1. #5026

    Re: Coronavirus update

    A friend of mine is playing an acoustic gig in Bristol tomorrow evening. When the show was announced a month or so ago I fully intended to go, it would have been my first gig since February, but that's obviously out of the question now.

    Bristol is just 44 miles away. Apparently, the Covid-19 infection rate there last week was 265 per 100,000 people. Here in Cardiff, it was 305 per 100,000 people. Not a huge difference by any means. However, the pubs, restaurants and shops here are closed, while over the bridge they're staging gigs in small venues. It doesn't feel right at all.

    Could be worse, though. In Powys and Ceredigion, the infection rate last week was less than 50 per 100,000 people, but those areas have been locked down all the same.

  2. #5027

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    So then you met up to share out the bottles you took it in turns to buy on line so you didn't have to come into contact with people? Hmmmmmmm
    No we didnt. We made separate orders to each other and had video meetings. The other mate has chronic asthma and kept himself pretty well isolated until he went back to work in September.

  3. #5028
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    No we didnt. We made separate orders to each other and had video meetings. The other mate has chronic asthma and kept himself pretty well isolated until he went back to work in September.
    Good man. I hope the cider helped him, even if it was his mental feelings if not his athsma. (I was only joking you know )

  4. #5029

    Re: Coronavirus update

    On Friday [I think], I saw Vaughan Gething on the TV justifying the current Wales restrictions. He said deaths in Wales are rising rapidly. Nobody challenged him, verbally or in writing. It was a simple statement to make and an even simpler one to check.

  5. #5030

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Meanwhile Hancock and co considering a new Tier 4. These bufoons need to go theyve lost the plot.

  6. #5031

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    Congratulations on the 5000th contribution to this thread!
    I saw that the count was on 4999 so jumped at the chance 🙂

  7. #5032

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    Meanwhile Hancock and co considering a new Tier 4. These bufoons need to go theyve lost the plot.
    I think all government's in the UK are struggling. People in Manchester are moaning about their tier 3 status when some districts within the region have low rates and feel they are being penalised unnecessarily. The same goes for Wales. Ceredigion with 33 cases per 100000 feel they are being penalised because of the much higher rate (around 300 per 100000) in Cardiff. People everywhere will moan about the restrictions being placed on them but, as the pandemic is so new, governments, including the Welsh government, are trying things to see what works. Let's see how effective the Welsh firebreak is when the 17 days are over.

    Personally I would prefer a full firebreak for England as in Wales but I'm retired, don't work and don't have a business. Whatever governments try people will moan.

  8. #5033

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    I think all government's in the UK are struggling. People in Manchester are moaning about their tier 3 status when some districts within the region have low rates and feel they are being penalised unnecessarily. The same goes for Wales. Ceredigion with 33 cases per 100000 feel they are being penalised because of the much higher rate (around 300 per 100000) in Cardiff. People everywhere will moan about the restrictions being placed on them but, as the pandemic is so new, governments, including the Welsh government, are trying things to see what works. Let's see how effective the Welsh firebreak is when the 17 days are over.

    Personally I would prefer a full firebreak for England as in Wales but I'm retired, don't work and don't have a business. Whatever governments try people will moan.
    Yes. I very much doubt the r rate will come down below 1. Hopefully it at least stops the rate its spreading. Problem is it will be a couple of weeks before we know what affect its had then we go into Christmas.

  9. #5034

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    I think all government's in the UK are struggling. People in Manchester are moaning about their tier 3 status when some districts within the region have low rates and feel they are being penalised unnecessarily. The same goes for Wales. Ceredigion with 33 cases per 100000 feel they are being penalised because of the much higher rate (around 300 per 100000) in Cardiff. People everywhere will moan about the restrictions being placed on them but, as the pandemic is so new, governments, including the Welsh government, are trying things to see what works. Let's see how effective the Welsh firebreak is when the 17 days are over.

    Personally I would prefer a full firebreak for England as in Wales but I'm retired, don't work and don't have a business. Whatever governments try people will moan.


    It is easy to criticise, we still know very little about this virus and each country around the world is learning as it goes,

    It would be easy to shut everything down and wait it out, except the country would have little to go back to and have a even bigger debt ( great news for the people who like to knock the tories which just happens to be most of this mb ) the balance has to be inbetween which appears to be what the Governments are attempting to do

  10. #5035

    Re: Coronavirus update

    One of the members of the SAGE group on radio 5 just now saying that if we want to be able to meet each other at Christmas thn we really should be having a fire break lockdown NOW.
    They expect that would roll the numbers back 5 or 6 weeks which could give the flexibility to relax restrictions around Christmas.
    And they added that it would have been better to have it around half term so as not to be too disruptive to children's education.

    I didn't catch any mention at all tht that is precisely what we are doing in wales.

    Then a brummie came on saying that the coronavirus is a hoax, he doesn't know anyone who has had it, he thinks he's probably immune (dind't give a reason for this) says the scientists are jst saying these things to help their careers and some countries like Brazil haven't had a second spike to it is all false.

    Absolutely remarkable stuff.

  11. #5036

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    I think all government's in the UK are struggling. People in Manchester are moaning about their tier 3 status when some districts within the region have low rates and feel they are being penalised unnecessarily. The same goes for Wales. Ceredigion with 33 cases per 100000 feel they are being penalised because of the much higher rate (around 300 per 100000) in Cardiff. People everywhere will moan about the restrictions being placed on them but, as the pandemic is so new, governments, including the Welsh government, are trying things to see what works. Let's see how effective the Welsh firebreak is when the 17 days are over.

    Personally I would prefer a full firebreak for England as in Wales but I'm retired, don't work and don't have a business. Whatever governments try people will moan.
    SAGE guy on the radio just now was saying that the firebreak lockdowns are just as if not more important in areas with low incidence of the virus that are near areas of high incidence as the virus will just hop out of the lockdown area, flourish somewhere else and then come straight back

  12. #5037

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post

    It is easy to criticise, we still know very little about this virus and each country around the world is learning as it goes,

    It would be easy to shut everything down and wait it out, except the country would have little to go back to and have a even bigger debt ( great news for the people who like to knock the tories which just happens to be most of this mb ) the balance has to be inbetween which appears to be what the Governments are attempting to do
    Agree its very difficult.

    But spouting bollox about World Class track and trace.

    Allowing a chief advisor to remain in post when he should have gone. Even on this site at least one desperate Tory was trying to justify it as his son was autistic(which he wasnt)

    Fist pumping go back to work even if you can work from home.

    10m tests a day.

    Theres loads of errors and they always were going to be and they will continue. But some by the front bench are totally unacceptable.

    In years to come history wont be kind to Johnson and co.

  13. #5038

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    SAGE guy on the radio just now was saying that the firebreak lockdowns are just as if not more important in areas with low incidence of the virus that are near areas of high incidence as the virus will just hop out of the lockdown area, flourish somewhere else and then come straight back
    A scientist said the other day lockdowns are almost pointless and we need to protect the vulnerable and open up the economy, they all say different things so take whichever one you want.....
    The main thing I notice with all this is how badly the Tories and Labour before probably have run down the NHS, maybe if they hadn’t we wouldn’t be in such a pickle? At least we have decent Doctors here who now know how to manage it better with a lot less people on ventilators etc in hospital than the first wave.

  14. #5039

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    Agree its very difficult.

    But spouting bollox about World Class track and trace.

    Allowing a chief advisor to remain in post when he should have gone. Even on this site at least one desperate Tory was trying to justify it as his son was autistic(which he wasnt)

    Fist pumping go back to work even if you can work from home.

    10m tests a day.

    Theres loads of errors and they always were going to be and they will continue. But some by the front bench are totally unacceptable.

    In years to come history wont be kind to Johnson and co.
    10 million tests a day, the moon shot or whatever was due by the end of October I read today so let’s hope at least they get that right as it’s a massive game changer....

  15. #5040

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    Agree its very difficult.

    But spouting bollox about World Class track and trace.

    Allowing a chief advisor to remain in post when he should have gone. Even on this site at least one desperate Tory was trying to justify it as his son was autistic(which he wasnt)

    Fist pumping go back to work even if you can work from home.

    10m tests a day.

    Theres loads of errors and they always were going to be and they will continue. But some by the front bench are totally unacceptable.

    In years to come history wont be kind to Johnson and co.
    I agree with much of this. Mistakes have been made, but on the other hand, all governments are learning as they go along. I'm unsure what you mean about the government's chief advisor who shouldn't be allowed to remain in post. If you are referring to Patrick Valance or Chris Whitty my view is that your opinion is unfair. Indeed their doom and gloom predictions wouldn't have been far off the mark had the government not reacted by closing things down. If you are referring to Dido Harding then you have a point but her job is a very difficult one.

    The money being paid to consultants is obscene but that is how much these guys charge. The suggestion by the opposition that local authorities should be more in control with their local knowledge sounds sensible but they haven't the staff and would probably end up employing the same consultants the government has employed.

    When the inevitable Inquiry happens those who look at the errors made will not be kind but dealing with issues in hindsight is not reality.

    It is all very difficult as you acknowledge.

  16. #5041

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    I agree with much of this. Mistakes have been made, but on the other hand, all governments are learning as they go along. I'm unsure what you mean about the government's chief advisor who shouldn't be allowed to remain in post. If you are referring to Patrick Valance or Chris Whitty my view is that your opinion is unfair. Indeed their doom and gloom predictions wouldn't have been far off the mark had the government not reacted by closing things down. If you are referring to Dido Harding then you have a point but her job is a very difficult one.

    The money being paid to consultants is obscene but that is how much these guys charge. The suggestion by the opposition that local authorities should be more in control with their local knowledge sounds sensible but they haven't the staff and would probably end up employing the same consultants the government has employed.

    When the inevitable Inquiry happens those who look at the errors made will not be kind but dealing with issues in hindsight is not reality.

    It is all very difficult as you acknowledge.
    No sorry I meant Cummings not Whitty.

  17. #5042

    Re: Coronavirus update

    I agree with that 100%.

  18. #5043

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Adherence and willingness to follow restrictions diminishes each time it’s repeated. I hope this is incorporated when they weigh up the “cost-benefit” from fire-breakers.

    Honesty, clarity and consistency is what’s needed from government. People have sacrificed a lot already.

    #Covid19: Melbourne
    " four critical pillars in Australia's determined response to Covid-19: closure of international borders, "uniformly good" testing in all states , contact tracing, and a compliant community that has embraced distancing protocols."

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzB-WkR8eNQ A BBC 4 mins video on Sweden's approach: consistency leading to longer term perspective and so guidance is easy to follow, trust in the guidance of need to social distance and compliance with this.
    Different strategies but each seem to be saying at least part of the same thing now. A consistent, clear message needed; social distancing is needed; and a community response which is happy to act this way as one. Arguably, Wales had this earlier on in the year (mid-April onwards) but things have become messier since.

    Tier 1.5 being introduced into England today is possibly a step backwards from consistency, clarity and easy to follow measures.

  19. #5044

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post

    Tier 1.5 being introduced into England today is possibly a step backwards from consistency, clarity and easy to follow measures.
    I don't think the government are introducing a new tier. Wasn't that the Bristol mayor who is introducing a Tier 1 plus?

  20. #5045

    Re: Coronavirus update

    R rate over2 in parts of southern England;-


  21. #5046

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Abercynon again.

    Its the pubs and customers who are doing the correct thing I feel sorry for.


  22. #5047

    Re: Coronavirus update


    National lockdowns should be used only as a “reserve” measure to control coronavirus, according to the World Health Organization’s special envoy on Covid.

  23. #5048

    Re: Coronavirus update

    21 deaths today, they are undeniably on the way up now.
    Considering they were in the 1s or 2s when the second lockdown was announced it could be that they've made a good call here

  24. #5049

    Re: Coronavirus update


    This graph, showing hospital admissions is pretty concerning, quickly approaching spring levels.

  25. #5050

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post

    This graph, showing hospital admissions is pretty concerning, quickly approaching spring levels.
    Have you got a link or a bigger graph?

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