Adherence and willingness to follow restrictions diminishes each time it’s repeated. I hope this is incorporated when they weigh up the “cost-benefit” from fire-breakers.

Honesty, clarity and consistency is what’s needed from government. People have sacrificed a lot already.
#Covid19: Melbourne
" four critical pillars in Australia's determined response to Covid-19: closure of international borders, "uniformly good" testing in all states , contact tracing, and a compliant community that has embraced distancing protocols." A BBC 4 mins video on Sweden's approach: consistency leading to longer term perspective and so guidance is easy to follow, trust in the guidance of need to social distance and compliance with this.
Different strategies but each seem to be saying at least part of the same thing now. A consistent, clear message needed; social distancing is needed; and a community response which is happy to act this way as one. Arguably, Wales had this earlier on in the year (mid-April onwards) but things have become messier since.

Tier 1.5 being introduced into England today is possibly a step backwards from consistency, clarity and easy to follow measures.