Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
Can be as high a 20,000 in a peak 'flu season. One point. Deaths are announced - on the BBC for example as "...having been identified as contracting CV. They're careful not to say 'died of CV'. Sadly a lot of those 18,000 would have died soon anyway. However I reckon in about 6 months' time when the figures for deaths from un-treated/diagnosed cancer, heart, etc. conditions are calculated, they'll more than match the total CV -related deaths..
High as 20,000 annually for flu, and this is 18,000 in less than six weeks.

If it's the case that most of these people would die soon anyway, and I'm not saying it isn't, then that would also be the case with most seasonal flu victims. So why do we bother giving annual flu jabs to the older generation and NHS staff?