Quote Originally Posted by Jordi Culé View Post
I’ve been generally a supporter of Welsh Government’s strategy in regards to Covid-19 although there are a number of idiosyncrasies which have bewildered.

This five day Christmas thing wreaks of leaders not being able to lead, tell the truth about the situation and lacking balls. Throw in they don’t want to be portrayed as the Grinch.

I hope they’ve got explanations for us all if the figures in January are on the up and we’re in an extended firebreak period. I also hope those who enjoy the festivities think it was worth it just to hear a family member sing Shakey on the karaoke.

‘Merry Christmas Everyone’.
The police struggle to control 700 people breaking the rules at a rave. How many people celebrate Christmas, if you include those doing so as a non-religious holiday, in the UK? Police won't be able to stop several thousands doing what they want, and once they do what they want once why not again and again, so government has instead given us a break with guidance over a short period of time. It's likely to have a horrible impact in January but better than people sticking up two fingers in December, January and February because everyone is breaking the rules all the time now anyway.

Christmas isn't a religious festival in the UK for majority of people. It's gathering close together to get through the darkest, most depressing part of the year and this year has been more depressing than most. I can also see why some people would rather do everything possible so that they can gather at next Christmas rather than finish the year off with the most depressing of notes.