Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
I think Drakeford and his team are completely over the top with this latest lockdown. To cover all of Wales including those areas with relatively low incidence is going to cause unnecessary hardship. He is very fond of knee jerk reaction which is evident by the 113 pieces of Covid related emergency legislation he has put in place in the last six months.
And we have to wait until Friday to hear what he intends to introduce once this total lockdown ends on 9 November.
It's a politician's moment in the sun. Standing at a rostrum knowing they have a large captive audience, delivering a solemn warning of dire things ahead, stretching their words out so there's a gap of seconds between each one. They're lovin' it. Drakeford will be forgotten and consigned to history when it's all over - he's positively thriving at the moment..