Quote Originally Posted by Divine Wright View Post
Not to change the subject but how are you people in Cardiff and Wales doing? (As opposed to England)
The truth is nobody is really sure what the rules are any more.

Some supermarkets are effectively back to normal, but others still have queuing systems to limit numbers. Most of the shops are open and trading, but different guidelines seem to apply to different shops selling exactly the same items and some haven't bothered to open at all yet. Some pubs are open, some aren't. People can only sit outside pubs until Monday, when people can sit inside. People can now congregate in groups of six, or thirty, or maybe thirty six. Nobody's certain and nobody's has explained what will happen if two groups of thirty people congregate next to each other, but nobody really cares either.

Non-essential travel is still discouraged, although you can actually go anywhere whenever you want, unless you want to drive through the centre of Cardiff, which is closed to traffic to enable seven cafes to serve coffee and cakes. There are arrows all over the pavements in the city centre for no apparent reason, but nobody pays any attention to those anyway. Wearing masks on public transport is mandatory, but lots of people don't bother, including some of the drivers, and nobody is enforcing this particular rule or even attempting to. You don't need to wear a mask in any shops.

People are encouraged to work at home, but they can go into work if they need to. Or just want to, provided their bosses let them. Hairdressers are open, gyms are opening next week, but gig venues are still closed. Dentists are open, or closed, depending on what state your teeth are in. Nobody goes to see a doctor anymore unless they are on death's door.

I think that's just about covered it.