Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
I keep thinking that, we can appreciate this has been to most people a slight inconvenience yet the reactions from some are unbelievable.

Rationing during WW2 went on for 14 years, how would people have coped with that?!
Not decrying what people went through during WW2 but I do know that my mother and father’s family’s had bugger all in the 20s & 30s, even before in my Dad’s case seeing as he was born in 1913. So even though rationing was shite it wasn’t as though they were dining out regularly or Deliveroo we’re bringing them takeaways on their boneshakers before the war. There must have been old stagers from the Great War also taking the piss out of the whiners reminding them how hard it was during the 14/18 lot, while they were shot down in flames by Boer War veterans at the time of their conflict and so on and so forth. I think the organisation and running of the show during this pandemic is deserving of the moaning and groaning by the general public, it’s been a shambles really, thank the Lord it was a pandemic and not a war, can you imagine our leaders planning a winning strategy??