Hopefully we'll be opening up a bit more soon but this thread is a good one to keep in mind: https://twitter.com/hughes_eilir/sta...64408003162113

Being outside, in the outdoors in #FreshAir is a lot safer,

But spending time with others outside your household without social distancing in enclosed spaces is a higher risk- such as travelling in a car together, Of course the longer you spend in that environment the risk increases

Remember that coronavirus is transmitted in the air via droplets and aerosols. It is #airborne. So wear the best mask you can get if you go into environments where you’re in close contact with people from outside your bubble. FFP2 standard masks offer very good protection

The way the virus spreads hasn’t changed, but rather our understanding of it has greatly improved. Less emphasis on hand hygiene (although that is always good) and more on the environment you choose to spend time in and with whom.