Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
Hang on. I remember 'discussing' with you around 8 weeks ago about the authorities telling an old couple to clear off from Llandaff Fields. I've been a sceptic [as I am with a lot of things] about lockdown from day 1.
It was nine weeks ago, during the first full week of the UK lockdown, and at that stage the police were right to tell the pensioners (who had driven to Llandaff Fields) to clear off.

In my opinion, the original lockdown regulations in this country lacked common sense, were not stringent enough (particularly in terms of exercise and travel) and the guidance provided by the government was far too woolly and open to interpretation. However, as I said at the time, a full-scale lockdown (and let's be honest, we never really had one of those) could only ever be a temporary measure.

Since then, the effects of the virus have become more and more clear in terms of the percentage and age of the population it is affecting, and the government's guidance has become ever more ridiculous - especially the situation that has evolved regarding different rules in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

The whole thing has been a badly-managed mess, but that doesn't alter the fact that a lockdown, regardless of how stringent it is, could only ever be temporary in nature.