Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
It's far less deadly than normal flu, believe it or not. 18,000 US citizens had died of flu this winter up until March 5th, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which is a US government agency. Meanwhile the total number of coronavirus deaths worldwide is at 6,500. (point 1)

The flu has killed far more people than coronavirus. So why all the frenzy about COVID-19? (point 2)

An estimated 32 million Americans have come down with influenza since this year’s flu season began in late September, resulting in about 18,000 deaths, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (Point 3)

More: https://www.latimes.com/science/stor...virus-covid-19
Point 1 is wrong you only need to look at the mortality rate

Point 2 the worry is because it's very infectious and a lot of people are going to get it plus there is a flu vaccine. Flu has killed more to this point, that won't be the same in 6 months if this isn't managed properly.

Point 3 0.05% mortality rate, covid 19 has a mortality rate of 20% in the over 75s.

I've also got a friend who's a doctor in an Irish hospital and they're having a lot of over 50s admitted to the ICU, it was the same in Italy. So even if it isn't killing people it's putting them in intensive care which means others who might need it won't get it.

If you're over 60 please take this seriously because it is going to get very bad very soon if people don't.