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Thread: Coronavirus update - NO MORE RESTRICTIONS

  1. #6401

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Yhose figures could possibly be quite correct for the serum that is being manufactured in India, but as the serum for UK is appparently being manufactured in Wrexham I'll try not to worry about it too much

    Just more scaremongering.
    The vaccine being manufactured in India is for the Asian market. In Uk the product is manufactured in Oxford and is filled from bulk into amps/ vials/ syringes by Wockhart in Wrexham

  2. #6402

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Yhose figures could possibly be quite correct for the serum that is being manufactured in India, but as the serum for UK is appparently being manufactured in Wrexham I'll try not to worry about it too much

    Just more scaremongering.
    Vial accusations perhaps.

  3. #6403

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    The vaccine being manufactured in India is for the Asian market. In Uk the product is manufactured in Oxford and is filled from bulk into amps/ vials/ syringes by Wockhart in Wrexham

  4. #6404
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    The vaccine being manufactured in India is for the Asian market. In Uk the product is manufactured in Oxford and is filled from bulk into amps/ vials/ syringes by Wockhart in Wrexham
    Which is basically what I said. Why do you feel the need to antagonise people who are on your side?

  5. #6405

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Which is basically what I said. Why do you feel the need to antagonise people who are on your side?

    Sorry if I upset you, certainly wasn’t intentional. All I did was add my bit to the ongoing debate

  6. #6406

    Re: Coronavirus update


    In an act of sheer desperation and, I hope, not stupidity, the UK Government has said the vaccines are interchangeable. In other words, if your first does is Pfizer, it is ok to have a second does that is Oxford.

    This has not been tested. There is no data that shows this is effective, and there is no data to show it is a safe method.

  7. #6407

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Allez Allez Allez View Post

    In an act of sheer desperation and, I hope, not stupidity, the UK Government has said the vaccines are interchangeable. In other words, if your first does is Pfizer, it is ok to have a second does that is Oxford.

    This has not been tested. There is no data that shows this is effective, and there is no data to show it is a safe method.
    Well thank f**k we live in Wales

  8. #6408

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Allez Allez Allez View Post

    In an act of sheer desperation and, I hope, not stupidity, the UK Government has said the vaccines are interchangeable. In other words, if your first does is Pfizer, it is ok to have a second does that is Oxford.

    This has not been tested. There is no data that shows this is effective, and there is no data to show it is a safe method.
    Don’t like the sound of that.

  9. #6409

    Re: Coronavirus update

    According to a You Tube source (Big Jet TV) the government commissioned "Titan" to transport the Astra Zeneca/Oxford vaccine from a manufacturing plant in Holland to the UK. A large plane load of the vaccine arrived at Heathrow about an hour ago so things are moving.

    The source sounded reliable but as ever take this information with a pinch of salt.

  10. #6410

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Allez Allez Allez View Post

    In an act of sheer desperation and, I hope, not stupidity, the UK Government has said the vaccines are interchangeable. In other words, if your first does is Pfizer, it is ok to have a second does that is Oxford.

    This has not been tested. There is no data that shows this is effective, and there is no data to show it is a safe method.
    I don't like the sound of this mix and match strategy. However, for most of us that arrangement would not work as the Pfizer vaccine needs to be stored at low temperatures meaning Doctor's surgeries haven't the facilities to store it. In fact there are so few places with such facilities that in my area there is only one place with the requisite refrigeration and that is about 50 miles from my home so the chances of me getting the mixed jab treatment are very small. I guess the same applies in most areas and only those having their initial treatments at major hospitals are in danger of getting the two vaccines as one course of treatment.

  11. #6411

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Don’t like the sound of that.
    They are also less than complimentary about the single dose strategy with one of the negative effects being that such a long gap means some people will simply forget, or not bother, with the second dose 3 months later.

  12. #6412

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    Well thank f**k we live in Wales
    In Wales you will be guaranteed a matching vaccine. I think most people in England will get a matching vaccine too, but in some situations medics will be advised to mix if the first vaccine is unavailable, or the person getting vaccinated is vulnerable.

  13. #6413

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Allez Allez Allez View Post
    In Wales you will be guaranteed a matching vaccine. I think most people in England will get a matching vaccine too, but in some situations medics will be advised to mix if the first vaccine is unavailable, or the person getting vaccinated is vulnerable.
    Yeah that's what I meant - it says "An official in Wales said that first and second vaccine doses there would be matched"

    It's pretty troubling that they're even considering non matching vaccines if there's no data on it at all, even as a last resort

  14. #6414

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    Yeah that's what I meant - it says "An official in Wales said that first and second vaccine doses there would be matched"

    It's pretty troubling that they're even considering non matching vaccines if there's no data on it at all, even as a last resort
    With the new variant and hospitals in trouble, decisions like mixing the vaccines surely only adds to the air of crisis and a country struggling to cope?

  15. #6415
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Di9d no one ever take 2 different medicines for an illness?
    Seems to me that if you take both and they work in different ways then you are doubling your chances that if one isn't so effective for you then the other one will be.

    They aren't going to fight each other.

  16. #6416
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    With the new variant and hospitals in trouble, decisions like mixing the vaccines surely only adds to the air of crisis and a country struggling to cope?
    Why does it? It just offering an alternative, bearing in mind there are fewer doses the one vaccine available and if they use the available doses to give first jabs to people and there is any problem with resupply then they can use the other one as the booster. Shirley that is better for vulnerable people than having to wait too long for the second jab?
    Or do you think if you've had one you shouldn't be allowed the other?
    If between them they give protection that is all people should care about.

  17. #6417

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Why does it? It just offering an alternative, bearing in mind there are fewer doses the one vaccine available and if they use the available doses to give first jabs to people and there is any problem with resupply then they can use the other one as the booster. Shirley that is better for vulnerable people than having to wait too long for the second jab?
    Or do you think if you've had one you shouldn't be allowed the other?
    If between them they give protection that is all people should care about.
    Are the vaccines interchangable ?

  18. #6418
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by jeepster View Post
    Are the vaccines interchangable ?
    They clearly must be or the scientists wouldn't sit still for it. They work on different principles so far as I understand but if they both give a level of protection why not have both?
    We may even find that giving one shot of both is actually beneficial.

  19. #6419

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Why does it? It just offering an alternative, bearing in mind there are fewer doses the one vaccine available and if they use the available doses to give first jabs to people and there is any problem with resupply then they can use the other one as the booster. Shirley that is better for vulnerable people than having to wait too long for the second jab?
    Or do you think if you've had one you shouldn't be allowed the other?
    If between them they give protection that is all people should care about.

  20. #6420

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    They clearly must be or the scientists wouldn't sit still for it. They work on different principles so far as I understand but if they both give a level of protection why not have both?
    We may even find that giving one shot of both is actually beneficial.
    But how come they need to be stored under different conditions if they are so intercangeable.

  21. #6421
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    so it says they can both be given, although it is recommended that this should happen only if the first one given is not available, which makes sense.
    It seems to me that it is another example of the media wanting bad news. When the scientists and Medical bosses said something and the Government did something else they were vilified for not listening to the scientists.
    Now the scientist and head medics have said something and the doctors don't agree the scientists are being vilified for telling the doctors something they don't want to hear.
    No matter what is said they will go out and find someone who disagrees and then quote them letting people think they speak for all when in reality they only speak for themselves. Like the guy who applied to be a vaccinator and is complaining in the news that the paperwork he was asked to complete was unacceptable. He said he had 3 days a week spare to help with vaccinations but then in the same article said he doesn't have time to complete the paperwork. Shirley they can't both be true. But the BBC didn't bother to point out that anomoly.

  22. #6422

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    so it says they can both be given, although it is recommended that this should happen only if the first one given is not available, which makes sense.
    It seems to me that it is another example of the media wanting bad news. When the scientists and Medical bosses said something and the Government did something else they were vilified for not listening to the scientists.
    Now the scientist and head medics have said something and the doctors don't agree the scientists are being vilified for telling the doctors something they don't want to hear.
    No matter what is said they will go out and find someone who disagrees and then quote them letting people think they speak for all when in reality they only speak for themselves. Like the guy who applied to be a vaccinator and is complaining in the news that the paperwork he was asked to complete was unacceptable. He said he had 3 days a week spare to help with vaccinations but then in the same article said he doesn't have time to complete the paperwork. Shirley they can't both be true. But the BBC didn't bother to point out that anomoly.
    I honestly can’t work out if you’re on a wind up or not.

  23. #6423
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I honestly can’t work out if you’re on a wind up or not.
    What that have I said do you not agree with?

  24. #6424

    Re: Coronavirus update

    I am surprised to learn about the mix and match approach because I don't think the MHRA could have given approval for this based on the data they were given. Shirley this approach is non-licensed?

  25. #6425

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    so it says they can both be given, although it is recommended that this should happen only if the first one given is not available, which makes sense.
    It seems to me that it is another example of the media wanting bad news. When the scientists and Medical bosses said something and the Government did something else they were vilified for not listening to the scientists.
    Now the scientist and head medics have said something and the doctors don't agree the scientists are being vilified for telling the doctors something they don't want to hear.
    No matter what is said they will go out and find someone who disagrees and then quote them letting people think they speak for all when in reality they only speak for themselves. Like the guy who applied to be a vaccinator and is complaining in the news that the paperwork he was asked to complete was unacceptable. He said he had 3 days a week spare to help with vaccinations but then in the same article said he doesn't have time to complete the paperwork. Shirley they can't both be true. But the BBC didn't bother to point out that anomoly.
    Mate, there have been NO CLINICAL TRIALS of mixing vaccines. The US Government are advising not to mix the vaccines. No other Government has suggested that the vaccines can be mixed and the UK Government are not suggesting it, but they are not advising against it. My question is, what is that based on other than "a hunch". There is no data to suggest mixing vaccines will be as effective, less effective, more effective or even counter-productive.

    There are trials taking place that mix the UK vaccine with the Russian one, but that is at Phase One. Just to re-iterate, mixing the Oxford vaccine and the Pfizer one is currently not even at Phase One of trials.

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