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Thread: Coronavirus update - NO MORE RESTRICTIONS

  1. #7601

    Re: Coronavirus update

    "Government agreed to pay £280m for masks below NHS standards in ‘truly colossal’ PPE spending spree"


  2. #7602

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
    "Government agreed to pay £280m for masks below NHS standards in ‘truly colossal’ PPE spending spree"


    it just gets murkier

  3. #7603

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Good news regarding the vaccines and the Indian variant.


  4. #7604

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Good news regarding the vaccines and the Indian variant.

    The majority of the UK has had a single vaccine dose which is believed to be 33% effective against this new variant. Older people were more likely to have had AstraZeneca which (at this early stage, AstraZeneca effectiveness is believed to build up over longer than the 2 weeks studied) is at least 60% effective after two doses and Pfizer 88% effective.

    It's definitely more positive than negative but need for ventilation and mask wearing remains.

  5. #7605

  6. #7606

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    Next spring....when data shows what a brilliant leader Johnson has been and got Covid under control. All will be well with the world by then.

  7. #7607

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Matt Hancock and the ****ing fat clown at the very least need to resign, and should be tried for manslaughter if what has gone down today at this select committee is at all true.

  8. #7608

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Wasn’t it just a rehash of what should have been clear for ages? The sheer ineptitude of this Prime Minister and Cabinet is accepted by millions who, amazingly, still support them. I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t see Cummings’ testimony changing anything.

  9. #7609

    Re: Coronavirus update

    As one journalist said it's best to treat Cummings as a defecting spy from opposition camp, but as another journalist said we're about to find out how good a job Cummings did of convincing the public Boris Johnson is a Prime Minister to be admired regardless of what the facts say.

    Interesting to see plenty of articles regarding current variant (first identified in India) saying UK in much stronger position because of lower infection rates and good roll-out of the vaccine then Cummings to say this:

    “If we’d crushed it in September, by the time the variants came along we’d have been in a much better position.” Cummings says this isn’t hindsight - PM was told by Patrick Vallance and others in September.
    Two key moments in this pandemic were when people moved back into care homes and response to rising number of cases in winter. Variant first identified in Kent might have been new but something like that was to be expected and Scotland, Wales and England took a very different approach during that autumn/winter period when over half the deaths from covid occurred. Imo, Boris protected Christmas shopping instead of Christmas shoppers.

  10. #7610

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Wasn’t it just a rehash of what should have been clear for ages? The sheer ineptitude of this Prime Minister and Cabinet is accepted by millions who, amazingly, still support them. I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t see Cummings’ testimony changing anything.
    It doesn't seem like news because most of us have assumed it for over a year but it's the first time somebody who was in the room at the time has described exactly how bad it was. Won't change a single thing though.

  11. #7611

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
    As one journalist said it's best to treat Cummings as a defecting spy from opposition camp, but as another journalist said we're about to find out how good a job Cummings did of convincing the public Boris Johnson is a Prime Minister to be admired regardless of what the facts say.

    And maybe the start of Cummings doing exactly the same role for Sunak or Rabb?

  12. #7612

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
    And maybe the start of Cummings doing exactly the same role for Sunak or Rabb?
    Id say there is a near zero chance of Cummings ever coming back as any government adviser.

  13. #7613

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
    And maybe the start of Cummings doing exactly the same role for Sunak or Rabb?
    Or (Not very pretty on the inside) Priti ..

  14. #7614

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    Id say there is a near zero chance of Cummings ever coming back as any government adviser.
    It's not so much about Cummings but how he might be setting up someone to be admired, rightly or wrongly, regardless of how the facts suggest they should be looked at.

    Just a final thought on this today, does anyone else wish the UK got the Prime Minister's and SPADs 6 months after they have left that position instead of the versions of those same people when they're in office? The opposite to that of course is the versions of them when they're on the election campaign or when they're in government and winning approval/taking it away from opposition is more important than getting the answer right.

  15. #7615

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Wasn’t it just a rehash of what should have been clear for ages? The sheer ineptitude of this Prime Minister and Cabinet is accepted by millions who, amazingly, still support them. I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t see Cummings’ testimony changing anything.
    Probably because Cummings is a c u n t and everyone with half a brain knows it....government screwed up loads, unfortunately for us we have them and basically no one else to run the shitshow. Saved by science and nothing else

  16. #7616

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Boris will jump ship soon, getting paid peanuts compared to what he’s used too, loads of flack almost daily....why would anyone want it?
    He’d get more for writing a column in a national rag probably....

  17. #7617

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Probably because Cummings is a c u n t and everyone with half a brain knows it....government screwed up loads, unfortunately for us we have them and basically no one else to run the shitshow. Saved by science and nothing else
    I don’t quite know why, but what you say puts me in mind of a scene from the last ever episode of the brilliant The Thick of It where a character who did a similar job for the Conservatives as Cummings gave a speech after he was sacked.

  18. #7618

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
    It's not so much about Cummings but how he might be setting up someone to be admired, rightly or wrongly, regardless of how the facts suggest they should be looked at.
    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post

    Just a final thought on this today, does anyone else wish the UK got the Prime Minister's and SPADs 6 months after they have left that position instead of the versions of those same people when they're in office? The opposite to that of course is the versions of them when they're on the election campaign or when they're in government and winning approval/taking it away from opposition is more important than getting the answer right.
    This is a political play by Cummings to manoeuvre Gove into Number 10.

  19. #7619

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Wasn’t it just a rehash of what should have been clear for ages? The sheer ineptitude of this Prime Minister and Cabinet is accepted by millions who, amazingly, still support them. I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t see Cummings’ testimony changing anything.
    Agreed, and to be fair to you, you've been saying as much from the start of this Pandemic.

  20. #7620

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    It doesn't seem like news because most of us have assumed it for over a year but it's the first time somebody who was in the room at the time has described exactly how bad it was. Won't change a single thing though.
    Problem is can we believe a man in the room who was sacked in acrimonious circumstances. A YouGov poll in the Daily Mail today said that whilst only 35% thought that Boris Johnson would tell the truth about the pandemic, less than half that (14%) thought that Dominic Cummings would.

    Now if Mark Sedwill the former Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Home Civil Service until 2020 confirms some of it that may be a different matter.....

  21. #7621

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
    Problem is can we believe a man in the room who was sacked in acrimonious circumstances. A YouGov poll in the Daily Mail today said that whilst only 35% thought that Boris Johnson would tell the truth about the pandemic, less than half that (14%) thought that Dominic Cummings would.

    Now if Mark Sedwill the former Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Home Civil Service until 2020 confirms some of it that may be a different matter.....
    You mean Johnson? It's happened to him at least twice (once for lying) and yet slightly more than one in three think he is telling the truth about the Pandemic (bless em).

    Still, imagine what it would have been like if Corbyn had won.

  22. #7622

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
    Problem is can we believe a man in the room who was sacked in acrimonious circumstances. A YouGov poll in the Daily Mail today said that whilst only 35% thought that Boris Johnson would tell the truth about the pandemic, less than half that (14%) thought that Dominic Cummings would.

    Now if Mark Sedwill the former Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Home Civil Service until 2020 confirms some of it that may be a different matter.....
    Great last point about getting in Sedwill in and asking him a few questions. Expanding on it why not get Hancock, Whitty, Vallance and Johnson all in and perhaps call it a public inquiry?

    Hang on, Johnson hasn’t got time for that he’s too busy dealing with Dilyn the dog.

  23. #7623

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Boris will jump ship soon, getting paid peanuts compared to what he’s used too, loads of flack almost daily....why would anyone want it?
    He’d get more for writing a column in a national rag probably....
    Boris will get pushed off the plank. He was the means to an end to get Brexit, even some of the the right wing media are wondering aloud how inept and lazy the lying cuunt is?

  24. #7624

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
    Problem is can we believe a man in the room who was sacked in acrimonious circumstances. A YouGov poll in the Daily Mail today said that whilst only 35% thought that Boris Johnson would tell the truth about the pandemic, less than half that (14%) thought that Dominic Cummings would.

    Now if Mark Sedwill the former Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Home Civil Service until 2020 confirms some of it that may be a different matter.....
    We know that UK government thought they had more time to act so were slow to respond; that the "protective ring around care homes" was a lie; that there was overemphasis on hand washing and even now a lack of emphasis on ventilation/mask wearing as part of bad messaging; and we know SAGE recommended a circuit break fearing things would get out of control and Boris paid attention much later than Sturgeon and Drakeford not wanting to lockdown again with the eventual cost of over half the lives lost to covid.

    Dismissing or accepting Cummings blindly would be a mistake. People do like Boris though and are keen to believe nothing more could have been done because alternative is much harder to deal with...some mistakes (see care homes) happened in different parties so no one there to point it out too strongly.

  25. #7625
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Not too long ago Cummins was the most vilified person in the UK and people were trying to have him prosecuted for going to Durham when he said he didn't go. Horrible man, peop0le generally agreed, being protected by the government.
    now, suddenly, everything he says must be right (According to the BBC yesterday). you can't have it both ways.
    I'd suggest that the truth probably lie somewhere in the middle.
    What he is saying he is saying to a parliamentary committee and he can say anything he likes without fear of any comeback. But if all the things he says are true why didn't he resign on a point of principle and go to the press with what he allegedly knew then?
    The other problem is, like with people remembering things later, people don't remember 100%, they remember their own memory but that is changed by the brain which absorbs thoughts that may have been thought when the person was remembering earlier and by the clamour of media all around them every day, so when the stand up and tell what they saw it is their adjusted memory that is talking, so people hearing must allow for it.
    One thing is pretty sure though, he don't like Hancock much.

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