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Thread: Coronavirus update - NO MORE RESTRICTIONS

  1. #7951

    Re: Coronavirus update

  2. #7952

    Re: Coronavirus update


    More of Wales' Covid-19 rules could change over the next few weeks from being legal requirements to government advice, according to a Welsh minister.

  3. #7953

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Different countries report in different ways. In Poland it’s only recorded if there is medical intervention. The advice given to people with Covid is simply to self isolate, there’s no record. Having said that when I had it in the UK last year no one was interested, I rang the hotline & my GP but they weren’t interested in recording it.

  4. #7954
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Another point Bob, is that the medics cry out about how many people are testing positive but they are testing far far more people now than they were before and the numbers aren't as high. Even the people who do the analysis of the numbers accept that if you test more people it's inevitable that you will capture more positive results, but the vast number today are mild infection that require no hospitalisation, and those that do tend not to require invasive oxygen or intensive care. A vastly different scenario to last June or December
    I think we all get that you just want to do what you want and don't give a bugger for the effects. You have literally hundreds if not thousands of posts telling everyone. Fair enough. If that's the way you roll. But what I find irksome is you constantly misinform in your posts.

    One example here - there are NOT more tests being carried out now than at the beginning of 2021 as you claim in this post. Check any data source you like. Here's the official one: https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/testing
    "They" aren't finding more cases because "they" are doing more testing. There is an upsurge in cases because there are more cases. End of. What you're coming out with is straight out of the Trump Covid-denying playbook.

    Please stop posting wild inaccuracies, what is effectively your biased take on the situation and misinformation. Provide links to reputable sites/data to back up what claims you make.

  5. #7955

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Yes they did. They have stated that if a variant learns to avoid the current vaccines its a simple thing to adjust them and there would be no need for a further 18 month plus trial and development. It's what they do with the flu vaccine every year.

    Warning: I do use the word 'simple' as a relative description of the process compared to making the original simple for brilliant medical scientists that is.
    A vaccine resistant variant would be a complete disaster. A new vaccine needed and enough for the entire worlds population.

  6. #7956

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Last week my daughters school had 4 cases, picked up with the LFT

    2 in Yr 7, 1 in yr 8 and 9, close contacts were sent home, about 50 children on thursday

    this morning, get text to say Yr's 7,8 and 9 closed, thats over 1000 children

    so in 2 weeks time,social distancing and face masks will be no more, 60,000 in wembley, yet they are still closing whole yr groups down

    we are either living life or not, how long we going to drag this on for

  7. #7957
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    I think we all get that you just want to do what you want and don't give a bugger for the effects. You have literally hundreds if not thousands of posts telling everyone. Fair enough. If that's the way you roll. But what I find irksome is you constantly misinform in your posts.

    One example here - there are NOT more tests being carried out now than at the beginning of 2021 as you claim in this post. Check any data source you like. Here's the official one: https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/testing
    "They" aren't finding more cases because "they" are doing more testing. There is an upsurge in cases because there are more cases. End of. What you're coming out with is straight out of the Trump Covid-denying playbook.

    Please stop posting wild inaccuracies, what is effectively your biased take on the situation and misinformation. Provide links to reputable sites/data to back up what claims you make.
    They are finding more cases because they're doing more testing, not my take on it.
    It is accepted that if you test more people you will find more positive cases. But if you look at the positive cases as a percentage of the tests taken it is far lower than in the first and second wave, far lower. They are now doing over 1 million tests a .day whereas before it wasn't a quarter of that. There are definitely not more cases although rates are rising, and it is clear that of those cases far fewer result in hospitalisation intensive care and/or death.

    It's not a case of what I want, its the fact that the population has been restricted by law and the reason given for those restrictions no longer pertain so they should be removed. Nothing wrong with people continuing to do thigs because it is a right thing to do but that is not the same as being made to do it.
    Where did I claim that the test number related to the start of 2021? Don't make things up to suit your argument.
    I do not post wild inaccuracies and I do not post disinformation, you just don't like what I say.
    I'm not making claims I'm stating facts.

  8. #7958

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Just heard a shop assistant being interviewed on the radio saying that an increasing number of people have stopped wearing masks where she works. I didn’t catch where she lived, but, having just got back from one of the two supermarket shops I do each week, everyone had a mask on and it must be months since I last saw someone shopping without one.

  9. #7959

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Same down here Bob, people in West Wales seem to be very compliant.
    I fear for shop assistants, bar staff if the rules change in England and Wales keeps it's more cautious approach. The hoardes are descending from England on their staycation now. I see trouble ahead.
    On a slightly different track, I see no mention recently on here about long covid. Because of the vaccination rollout there are few deaths. I understand though that long covid is a real issue even for younger people.
    My view is that mask wearing and general restrictions on distancing should still continue for a while longer.

  10. #7960
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Here's something for you to think about AZ, before you accuse people of posting inaccuracies for their own agenda.


    so clearly not my opinion.

  11. #7961
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    They are finding more cases because they're doing more testing, not my take on it.
    It is accepted that if you test more people you will find more positive cases. But if you look at the positive cases as a percentage of the tests taken it is far lower than in the first and second wave, far lower. ...

    I do not post wild inaccuracies and I do not post disinformation, you just don't like what I say.
    I'm not making claims I'm stating facts.
    This is rubbish. I'm drawing all the FACTS below from the UK official data. (I posted the link above in case you want to peruse it.)

    On March 27 the number of tests carried out (rolling 7-day average) was 1,084,715. Positive tests (rolling 7-day average) 4,507. That's a positivity rate of 0.4%.

    On June 27 the number of tests carried out (rolling 7-day average) was 998,185. Positive tests (rolling 7-day average) 21,936. That's a positivity rate of 2.2%

    The facts do not fit your story.

  12. #7962
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Here's something for you to think about AZ, before you accuse people of posting inaccuracies for their own agenda.


    so clearly not my opinion.
    I can't read it - it's behind a paywall. I can only read the title and it's clearly wrong. The "journalists" have confused skew with bias.

    You do know The Telegraph is owned by the Barclay brothers, right? It's the equivalent of Fox News as far as I'm concerned.

  13. #7963
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    I can't read it - it's behind a paywall. I can only read the title and it's clearly wrong. The "journalists" have confused skew with bias.

    You do know The Telegraph is owned by the Barclay brothers, right? It's the equivalent of Fox News as far as I'm concerned.
    Strangely I expected a response like that. It can't be right because it's the telegraph. And you accuse me bias. Get real.

  14. #7964

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    This is rubbish. I'm drawing all the FACTS below from the UK official data. (I posted the link above in case you want to peruse it.)

    On March 27 the number of tests carried out (rolling 7-day average) was 1,084,715. Positive tests (rolling 7-day average) 4,507. That's a positivity rate of 0.4%.

    On June 27 the number of tests carried out (rolling 7-day average) was 998,185. Positive tests (rolling 7-day average) 21,936. That's a positivity rate of 2.2%

    The facts do not fit your story.
    Like many scientists are saying now, positive cases are almost irrelevant anyway. It’s if the vaccine breaks the link putting these people in hospital, and it is. I hope they focus some cash on the nhs, more nurses and doctors are desperately needed anyway, regardless of COVID

  15. #7965

    Re: Coronavirus update


    Nearly a quarter of people who have died from Covid-19 in Wales were infected in hospital, figures have revealed.

  16. #7966

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by LeningradCowboy View Post

    Nearly a quarter of people who have died from Covid-19 in Wales were infected in hospital, figures have revealed.
    that's where many people with serious underlying conditions are

  17. #7967
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Government causing people even more financial pain and misery again. In the name of what? Just being different to England or being determined to keep the population under control for4 as long as possible? It's rediculous.


  18. #7968

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Government causing people even more financial pain and misery again. In the name of what? Just being different to England or being determined to keep the population under control for4 as long as possible? It's rediculous.

    "financial pain and misery" bit over the top?

    I suppose the question could be how many of the tests conducted outside the NHS by the other providers are done to the same standards - do their results get fed back into the test and trace system or do they disappear into the ether?

  19. #7969
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Government causing people even more financial pain and misery again. In the name of what? [/url]
    Public health? Money isn't everything, my friend.

  20. #7970
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    Public health? Money isn't everything, my friend.
    But it is when you don't have any. Some of the things this government want to do generally could turn this country into a business wasteland, and their desire to control every facet of peoples lives, made more real than they ever could have dreamed by this pandemic, is making sure it will happen faster.

  21. #7971

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Can’t say these poll results come as a surprise;-


  22. #7972
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    But all those people once given the freedom to act as rhey should will continue to behave responsibly without the government forcing them to, so everything should be OK shouldn't it?

  23. #7973
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Some of the things this government want to do generally could turn this country into a business wasteland, and their desire to control every facet of peoples lives, made more real than they ever could have dreamed by this pandemic, is making sure it will happen faster.
    I presume you mean Brexit.

    I am genuinely curious. What would be the government's motivation to control every facet of people's lives? What evidence do you have that they designed policies for the latter? What's the sauce for your opinions?

  24. #7974
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    I presume you mean Brexit.

    I am genuinely curious. What would be the government's motivation to control every facet of people's lives? What evidence do you have that they designed policies for the latter? What's the sauce for your opinions?

  25. #7975

    Re: Coronavirus update


    Wales should now lift all Covid restrictions, a leading expert on infectious diseases has said.

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