Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
It means the Mueller investigation and his report, plus the Steele dossier and Russia collusion was all a made-up steaming pile of cow dung that many people fell for hook, line and sinker
Wasn't it the American intelligence community that say/know that there was Russian involvement in getting Trump elected ?

Obviously Russia will deny it and Trump will say it's not the case, the whole thing makes sense for Russia to have such a weak President that would not be a fraction of the threat Hilary would have been to their interests, it makes sense for Trump to be in the top job that he craved and to deny he had any help from an arch rival foreign power and now that the Russians have achieved their aim and won that particular battle it makes sense for the powers that be in America (even ones on both sides) to sweep it under the carpet and deny it ever happened to try and save face for the country.

As the saying go's if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.