Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
Not everyone who’s died of covid is like that though, I lost a 70 year old relative last week, no visitors while in hospital and none of us allowed at their funeral.

My mates dad died of it and he was 60 and only 4 of them can go to his funeral.

A lot more people died of it than ever needed to, look at the excess deaths compared to normal. And along with that it’s a pretty horrible and lonely way to go.

I think the attitude of people die anyway is pretty shortsighted tbh.
Yes everyone is in the same boat with regards funerals, she didn’t have any children her nieces and nephews were like her children but neither her brother or her any of her nieces or nephews could attend the funeral because they are in the vulnerable category, so my missus had to organise it all and only her and her sister could attend. it’s shitty but life must go on.

I’m not in anyway saying some of these deaths could have been avoided and when the dust has settled hopefully there will be a proper investigation, all I am saying is we cannot just lockdown until there is a vaccine. There might never be one. Its unfortunate but more people are going to die, that’s a fact, and we are going to have to learn to live with it.