Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
I saw a photo of the Liverpool players in a circle on bended knees, apparently as a protests against the death of George Floyd. A nice gesture and shows us all what a kind, caring bunch of young men they are.

But I wondered, why does no-one - least of all footballers, celebrities, the BBC, some mainstream newspapers, why not the slightest protest against the Chinese.

What's happening in China is a massive affront to humanity. Forget HK and Huawei for the moment - this is a Country that has imprisoned a whole race of people, chained them up in groups of 10 in tiny cells, a bucket for a wc, whilst they are re-educated over a period of up to 20 yrs. Children included. Harvested their organs for transplants, wiped out languages, and that's before Tibet, Taiwan, and Vietnam.

Perhaps it's the media. There are no 'pictures' from China to get angry about. But when I saw those Liverpool players in the centre circle I wondered if they even knew where China was.
What about the North of Ireland not that many years ago and English led UK involvement, you are talking China but you could be talking about our state, shoot to kill, internment, state collusion, gerrymandering.
Then there is Iraq and Afghanistan wars look at our States behavior out there, you single out China fair enough but what about our lot are they any better ?