All countries have individuals spying for a foreign power against their own country for whatever reason (ideological reasons, money, been blackmailed, been threatened etc), that is a given, but you rambling on and on about collusion implies that the state itself or state institutions as a whole are spying for a foreign power, I don't know anyone that things that or I can't say I've seen that on here, many neutral observers think the Russians have influenced and manipulated American elections and as a result foreign policy through good old fashion espionage and the use of social media but I don't think anyone thinks the FBI or the justice department or the CIA or the Senate have been turned on mass.

Do you understand the difference between a rogue individual or individuals and an entire state agency working for a foreign power ?, an individual would be a spy, the whole State or a Government dept would be collusion, preventing individuals from spying is almost impossible, state collusion is very unlikely unless those that run the state want it to happen, like the British State been said to have used Loyalist Paramilitary gangs to bump off people like human rights lawyers that might have been getting people off charges etc.