Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
I didn't see him "instantly getting outraged at the violence this week", rather wearily comparing the drunk fat blokes this weekend with the ones who have been an embarrassment to the England team for the last 30+ years, which seems like a pretty fair comparison on the face of it. but then I've only seen a few tweets of his, I'm not monitoring his timeline 24/7 to be fair.
Its a fair comparison if you just take the one tweet in isolation but thats not Henrys point. Linekar was very active on Saturday in condemning those involved, but making excuses the week before. Linekars argument, much like some on this forum, seemed to be yes there were trouble makers last week but it was only a small percentage of protestors overall.

That argument doesnt wash when there was still hundreds of people involved in trouble on both weekends, and there was in fact more police injured at the BLM protests than there was last weekend yet only one side gets painted as trouble makers.

Both sides acting in this manner need to be called out. The far left are just as bad and just as dangerous as the far right.