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Thread: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

  1. #226

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    If you are unsure on the legality or otherwise of being prosecuted for urinating in a public place why don't you pop down to the top of Queens St this Saturday and empty your bladder next to Aneurin Bevan's statue? That should sort it out for you.
    It's not illegal. The man had his back to the street and was not urinating on a statue, wasn't breaking any law. But they sent him to prison anyway.

  2. #227

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Enoch Powell was right. Well this thread was heading there and we finally arrived.

  3. #228
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
    Sheffield - out of Roath

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    The Burnley captain was superb.

    Really depressing reading some of these posts.
    Depressing but also shocking. I don't know whether attitudes have regressed over the past 5 years (with the Brexit campaign as a trigger) or if the change in political culture and pervasiveness of social media has taken the lid off what was hiding before.

    The massive positive is the way the BLM camapign has grown - and it feels in some places that a tipping point has passed. The stance of English and Welsh clubs - the NHS/BLM support on the shirts, giving the knee etc - may have much more of an impact than the demonstrations and removals of slaver-related symbols.

    But politics has polarised everywhere (led by what has happened in the USA), in some places society has polarised, and there is no doubt that opinions on this board have polarised. Depressing.

  4. #229

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Not interested in the rest of your post but it wasn't that guy's fault, he had mental health issues that the NHS hadn't addressed because of the mishandling of the virus, and he wouldn't have been able to stab so many so quickly if they had been properly observing lockdown social distancing and been at least 2 metres apart.
    ****ing hell. What's boris doing reducing it to 1m then, needs to be lockdown in case people go around accidentally stabbing each other.

  5. #230

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I took a lot of time to put my last message to you together, but reading this reply, I feel like it was time wasted. I'm just going to say one more thing on "gammon" and then I'm finished with this particular discussion.

    There was something on Twitter and You Tube a few years back highlighting about ten of the audience in an episode of Question Time whose appearance was very similar - they were all middle aged or older, they were all men, they all had ruddy complexions, they all appeared to be very agitated and they all had the same opinion on Brexit.

    Now, if they had all been sat together and right in the middle of them was a black man who was agreeing with everything they were saying and then said his piece to great applause from the others, then I wouldn't think to myself "they're gammon except for the black bloke", I would just think "they're gammon", so, for me at least, the colour of the skin is not as important as their opinion.

    Moving on to more general matters, it seems to me that there are a lot of people who think of a racist as someone who behaves and speaks in a manner which says they may as well have "I'm a racist" stamped to their forehead. I'll admit that until their last few weeks, I was one of them, but I'd say that one of the lessons from the aftermath of George Floyd's death is that the penny has dropped for at least some of those who thought that - racism is more subtle than that and I'm coming around to thinking that "institutionalised racism" is not too strong a description for what we have in this country.

    I accept that many of those saying that they aren't racist are being genuine when they say that - they abhor the sort of stereotypical racist I mentioned above, but the problem some of them apparently have with the concept of BLM is revealing. On the radio yesterday I heard the thinking behind BLM alluded to in a way which, for me, captured what that movement is about - when people said "save the whale", was it taken to mean that they meant it should be saved at the expense of every other species? Of course they didn't, that didn't need saying and yet some are expecting that needless proviso from BLM backers now.
    Right, let's start with the wall of gammon. Let's say that wall contained 9 black people and was called the wall of ***insert a food that looks like a black man***. It would be labelled racist I'm almost sure of it regardless of who posted the original piece. It would be especially so if hijacked by say Britain First and used by them.

    I don't like being labelled as racist when I am not simply falling in line with what certain posters post here. I think people who do this need a look at themselves.
    I'm also not sure why you're giving me a BLM lesson again. I haven't once knocked the BLM. Respond to the posters who have questioned it.

    TLG posts that it can't be a racist term because it was thought up by white people. By that reckoning most black names would not be racist if they were originally from a black person to another.
    I believe they would/could be as names can evolve and take on different meanings, being used in other ways and also be looked at differently with time. The name is based on somebody's skin colour, be it enraged and flushed or not. Put what spin you like on it, a gammon can only be a white man.

    TLG just has his little clever remarks when he has nothing further and will question the other posters intellect while carefully picking through the posts and picking the parts he thinks he can respond to. A gem in this thread that sums him up is 'Let me have a wild guess, are you 40-70, white male.....'. Who does he think he is? He really does see himself as some kind of font of knowledge around here doesn't he.

    Carry on lads. Sorry for even questioning it.
    Carry on shooting down anybody that dare move from what the more prominent posters say.

    I would add though that if I was boycotting and said I would never watch the club again and was then found to be attending I wouldn't be on here acting all high and mighty. Each to their own.

  6. #231

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Depressing but also shocking. I don't know whether attitudes have regressed over the past 5 years (with the Brexit campaign as a trigger) or if the change in political culture and pervasiveness of social media has taken the lid off what was hiding before.
    I think it's very much the latter. Throughout the Brexit campaign the truth about beliefs and attitudes of large swathes of the general public in the UK was gradually revealed and the whole affair clearly emboldened the legions of bigots and racists among us. I don't think there's any doubt about that.

  7. #232

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Bandying around terms such as 'snowflake' and 'gammon' do not help intelligent debate. Neither does irrelevant analogies and the use of what is referred to these days as 'whatabaoutisms'.

    End of sermon.

    Bless you all.

  8. #233

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by blue lewj View Post
    TLG posts that it can't be a racist term because it was thought up by white people.
    That's not what I said, but discussing this subject with you is clearly pointless. You asked a question, and yet it was blatantly rhetorical as you'd obviously already made up your mind that 'gammon' is a racist term, and in order to reinforce your belief you've used some utterly ridiculous examples. You didn't want a discussion, you wanted to make a point and it was a daft one.

    Incidentally, if you read the thread back I didn't state you were a white male aged 40 to 70 either, but don't let that bother you. You clearly don't understand plain English as you've demonstrated clearly in your comments about my re-brand protests.

  9. #234

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    That's not what I said, but discussing this subject with you is clearly pointless. You asked a question, and yet it was blatantly rhetorical as you'd obviously already made up your mind that 'gammon' is a racist term, and in order to reinforce your belief you've used some utterly ridiculous examples. You didn't want a discussion, you wanted to make a point and it was a daft one.

    Incidentally, if you read the thread back I didn't state you were a white male aged 40 to 70 either, but don't let that bother you. You clearly don't understand plain English as you've demonstrated clearly in your comments about my re-brand protests.
    There you go again. Self appointed judge and jury of CCMB. Well done.

    It's a shame you're so far up your own arse as it's a lovely day outside.

  10. #235

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by blue lewj View Post
    It's a shame you're so far up your own arse as it's a lovely day outside.
    It's a shame you're so far up your own arse as it's a lovely day outside.

    But as you're posting on a message board, just like me, why not take a few minutes to enjoy a racist video:


  11. #236

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    I've just read through this thread and will make a few comments:

    I am surprised that no-one has mentioned the fact that a few days ago three white people were murdered by a Libyan terrorist, and a lot more were injured. All were white. Was it a racist attack or just coincidence?

    A few years a go I went to get some specialist work done to a satellite system. It was in Birmingham. Other than the staff at the centre I saw no white people in the few hours I was there. I went to a shop to get a newspaper and I was laughed at for requesting an English language newspaper. I felt uneasy and was completely at odds in the area.

    The proprietor at the centre told me that he no longer takes work on a Friday because he's close to a mosque and people's cars completely black the entrance to his workshop. He made it clear that the locals want him out of the area so that they can expand the mosque. It was racism but turned on its head

    If black people feel as uneasy as I did when in predominantly white areas they have my complete sympathy.
    The Libyan bloke involved in that attack was either a muslim fundamentalist or he was homophobic as all the men killed were gay

    I dont think he was a racist , most of his mates were white

    He also had serious mental health problems

    Many inner city areas of large cities are predominately mixed or muslim or afro Caribbean, birds of a feather etc , its surely no surprise to you that you went to an inner city area of birmingham and there were mostly non white people and the local shop catered for the local ethnic minority population ?

    I live near a school and a catholic church . During term time the roads are blocked and driveways blocked with parents cars , and on a Sunday the church lot turn up to do the same .

    It's annoying but it doesnt make me feel uneasy

  12. #237

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by Jordi Culé View Post
    Jesus ****...

    Another point, what newspaper were you buying?
    The morning star

  13. #238

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by Talksport View Post
    Eric, I've got black friends, always have. I'm from Grangetown. But you say BLM and Premier League plaster it over every shirt, say WLM and Burnley want to ban the fan for life. Absolute ridiculous. BLM are a far left party, hence the support for them by many on here. Fact, black lives lost to murder are committed by other blacks. Riot and looting in the apartment store in US after the killing was black people. Rioting over here, pulling down statues, demanding others are taken down, Churchill needed to be boarded up. No, this BLM movement needs crushing. They are big trouble brewing. Enoch was right all those years ago.
    Feck me. This goes down as one of the most ignorant messages I've ever read. You have capably shown how you've misjudged the entire thing and shifted it to your far right agenda. I've been through your post history and you make Nick Griffin look like a moderate.

    The fact you want to crush anyone in solidarity with black people against racism towards them makes you a rather dangerous racist.

  14. #239

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by Talksport View Post
    Eric, I've got black friends, always have. I'm from Grangetown. But you say BLM and Premier League plaster it over every shirt, say WLM and Burnley want to ban the fan for life. Absolute ridiculous. BLM are a far left party, hence the support for them by many on here. Fact, black lives lost to murder are committed by other blacks. Riot and looting in the apartment store in US after the killing was black people. Rioting over here, pulling down statues, demanding others are taken down, Churchill needed to be boarded up. No, this BLM movement needs crushing. They are big trouble brewing. Enoch was right all those years ago.
    Enoch was right ?

    You are clearly a far right thatcher loving puppet and you are speaking about the protests in exactly the same way those right wing racist knuckle heads the football lads alliance did the other day

  15. #240

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by Jordi Culé View Post

    What’s your view on the Statue Defence League / Britain First and similar groups who were playing up a few weekends ago?

    Do they need “crushing” too?

    Genuine question.
    No they are Patriots, defending our culture

    Of slave trading

  16. #241

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    It's not illegal. The man had his back to the street and was not urinating on a statue, wasn't breaking any law. But they sent him to prison anyway.
    He was convicted of outraging public decency wasnt he ?

    If I was charged with that and my solicitor said you are not guilty then why did he plead guilty to something he didnt do ?

  17. #242

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Not interested in the rest of your post but it wasn't that guy's fault, he had mental health issues that the NHS hadn't addressed because of the mishandling of the virus, and he wouldn't have been able to stab so many so quickly if they had been properly observing lockdown social distancing and been at least 2 metres apart.
    Not interested in the rest of your post but veg1960 has posted a link to a survey that shows police are nearly 7 times more likely to stop a black man than at white man in south wales

    Of course as you are white and you have never seen the police stop a black man randomly and if they have they obviously had a reason then ignore the survey

  18. #243

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    He was convicted of outraging public decency wasnt he ?

    If I was charged with that and my solicitor said you are not guilty then why did he plead guilty to something he didnt do ?
    "outraging public decency". A rather subjective count, open to interpretation and bias. If it were in front of a group of kids, or a group of picnickers, yes, but he was facing the wall - and I doubt anyone was 'outraged' except the BLM supporter who took the photo and alerted the coppers. Did he have a solicitor ? I doubt it.

  19. #244

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Not interested in the rest of your post but veg1960 has posted a link to a survey that shows police are nearly 7 times more likely to stop a black man than at white man in south wales

    Of course as you are white and you have never seen the police stop a black man randomly and if they have they obviously had a reason then ignore the survey
    They're also 7 times more likely to stop an under 25yr old as opposed to an over 60yr old. There's discrimination for you..

  20. #245

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Did he have a solicitor ? I doubt it.
    You think he represented himself in court?

  21. #246

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Taken from today's Times;-

    "Football fan behind White Lives Matter stunt didn’t break law, say police
    Ben Ellery, Martyn Ziegler
    Wednesday June 24 2020, 12.01am, The Times
    Manchester City Football Club
    Premier League
    Jake Hepple, left, with Tommy Robinson, claimed responsibility for the stunt
    Jake Hepple, left, with Tommy Robinson, claimed responsibility for the stunt
    Police investigating a football fan who paid a pilot to fly a banner reading White Lives Matter over a Premier League match said last night that no crime was committed.

    Jake Hepple, a Burnley supporter, claimed responsibility for the stunt during his team’s match against Manchester City on Monday and wrote on Facebook: “I’d like to take this time to apologise . . . to absolutely f***ing nobody!”

    The aerial display, held above City’s Eithad Stadium after players had got down on one knee in support of the Black Lives Matter movement, was widely condemned. Ben Mee, the Burnley captain, said that he was “shamed and embarrassed”.

    Last night Chief Superintendent Russ Procter, of Lancashire police, who had been liaising with Greater Manchester police, the Aviation Authority and the Crown Prosecution Service over the matter, said: “After assessing all the information available surrounding this incident we have concluded that there are no criminal offences that have been disclosed at this time.”

    Paradigm Precision, an engineering company that employs Mr Hepple, of Colne, Lancashire, said it was investigating his conduct. His partner, Megan Rambadt, was suspended by her employer, Solace Foot Health, after messages emerged in which she appeared to make racist slurs. Air Ads, which flew the aircraft, is based in Stockport and flies from Blackpool airport. One of its directors, Alan Elliott, was fined £2,000 in 2017 for flying 400ft above Everton’s stadium to display a sign. By law he should not have been lower than 1,000ft over a congested area.

    Blackpool airport yesterday suspended banner flights from its base and said it was “outraged by this incident”.

    It is thought that members of the Suicide Squad, a group of violent Burnley fans, spent the past week crowdfunding for the banner and flyover. In 2003 Burnley was described in the media as the “racist capital of Britain” after eight councillors representing the British National Party were elected. Since then the influence of the BNP on the council has disappeared and the football club has actively encouraged supporters to report racist abuse.

    Charlie Briggs, leader of Burnley Council, said: “He’s [Mr Hepple] not representing Burnley. That is not what the town is all about. The town isn’t racist any more, we’re away from that.”

    A spokesman for Burnley Football Club said it “strongly condemns the actions of those responsible for the aircraft and offensive banner”, adding: “We wish to make it clear that those responsible are not welcome . . . This, in no way, represents what Burnley Football Club stands for and we will work fully with the authorities to identify those responsible and issue lifetime bans.”

    Burnley fans have started a Go Fund Me page raising money for the Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust, set up in memory of the black teenager after he was killed in a racist attack in 1993."

  22. #247

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    The picture of the guy responsible shows him in a warm embrace with good old Tommy Robinson. There's a surprise.

  23. #248

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    I've just read through this thread and will make a few comments:

    I am surprised that no-one has mentioned the fact that a few days ago three white people were murdered by a Libyan terrorist, and a lot more were injured. All were white. Was it a racist attack or just coincidence?

    A few years a go I went to get some specialist work done to a satellite system. It was in Birmingham. Other than the staff at the centre I saw no white people in the few hours I was there. I went to a shop to get a newspaper and I was laughed at for requesting an English language newspaper. I felt uneasy and was completely at odds in the area.

    The proprietor at the centre told me that he no longer takes work on a Friday because he's close to a mosque and people's cars completely black the entrance to his workshop. He made it clear that the locals want him out of the area so that they can expand the mosque. It was racism but turned on its head

    If black people feel as uneasy as I did when in predominantly white areas they have my complete sympathy.
    I don't get you. You say you have complete sympathy towards black people for reasons you quote. Had you experienced racism for being white you'd have really experienced what the vast majority of black people experience quite regularly. You clearly have some solidarity with black people yet you can't support Black Lives Matter, which is quite mystifying.

    The horrendous events at Reading aren't a part of the equation here. Say you supported Dogs Lives Matter and you have solidarity with all neglected dogs. You want to raise awareness of this in the hope everyone will join you. Someone says All Animals Lives Matter and claims that includes dogs. You think that it's a shame they can't join your campaign about neglected dogs. A litter of kittens get drowned. Someone then pipes up with Cats Lives Matter.

    It's the same thing here. While it's all well and good saying all lives matter, and if those who want to feel a need to highlight white lives matter, this is specifically about solidarity with black people and raising awareness of the needless racism they face in our predominantly white country and western world and hope that can be put to an end. Saying all lives matter doesn't specifically say you have solidarity with black people in their struggles. If you feel you don't need to, you're a part of the problem.

  24. #249

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    9 pages and still going strong.

    I don't support the BLM organistion.

    I do agree that black people are just as worthwhile as white or any other colour.

    I don't think I'm a racist.

  25. #250

    Re: Aeroplane Over The Etihad

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    You think he represented himself in court?
    I don't know, but he was in court within 24hrs and banged up in prison an hour later - not much time to prepare a defence

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