Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
I see PHE is getting the flack for much of what has gone wrong with tracking& tracing, including the farce of developing an app from scratch.

A surprise to me but apparently the Government has no authority over the independence of Public Health England.

Meanwhile at home, the Senedd has asked Ryanair to postpone its Cardiff flight(s) to Faro and Malaga on Friday as Wales still has 5 mile travel guidance in place, and travellers will have to quarantine for 14 days on return as that's the rules in Wales.

So two days before the flight from a WAG owned airport the Senedd jumps into action.
That's pretty small beer compared to what Panorama was talking about though isn't it. This thread has just become the usual tory v labour stuff with those taking an anti labour position ignoring the findings of the Programme.