Devised by Jim Gavin

It basically matches your personality , motivation , character etc to exercise and tries to guide you to physical activity you are going to stick to .

When I was younger I played football , rugby , cricket , 5 a side , messed about with martial arts and swam a lot , tried to play golf but was crap at it

Self motivation ......none of that so jogging , cycling and weight training is out

Aggression........was when I was younger so team sports , martial arts , squash , tennis etc , weight training is out

Risk taking chance so adventure sports like skiing , martial arts , mountain biking are out

Football , rugby , cricket , 5 a side , too old for all that and it fecks up my ankle

Jogging , no chance with my ankle

Cycling no way am I going to dress up in black latex in the middle of winter like a gimp in the driving rain and wind

Gym ........go to gym , get changed , warm up , do all the exercises , shower , change back into day clothes , come home .......oh and you have to time it so you are not exercising on a full stomach..bollocks to that

Martial arts , minimum of 2 , 2 hour training sessions a week motivation .....sod that .....and my ankle

Mountain biking , too bloody dangerous

So my fitness profile is ......

Walking , free , get a bit wet in winter but no hassle

Dumbells and press ups at home

Tai chi , yoga, pilates ........seriously outnumbered by lycra clad women there so a great bonus

Exercise classes at the gym ......circuits, mixed aerobics, my kind of workout

I used to get up at 6 am every day , go to the pool , swim a mile , shower , come home , 5 days a week

Sod that messing about , stick on a pair of trainers and go for a walk , just in your trainers if that's your thing

My nephew who is 27 , is out on his road bike , one of three hes got , three times a week, no wonder him and his girlfriend never see each other , he even cycles to work , got knocked over last year , sod that .