It seems we have two parties with two ideologies, one is to spend, spend, spend and the other is to cut cut cut.

There are massive problems with both approaches, Labour get us into massive debt and deficits,by spending other peoples hard earned money on useless things like free broadband (an already very affordable and accessible service), or nationalising industries that the government has no business being involved in, (such as buying airports)

Then the Tories, try to go against this by cutting services so hard, they they provide sub par experiences, staff or treated like shit, and customers frustrated.

In a 'if i was PM for a day scenario' I would say what the the two most important services for the population.

Education and Health.

I would x10 the budget for schools, double the staff, get them open 7am-7pm, offering three meals a day, breakfast clubs across the board, after school clubs, sports centers, each year group will have teachers, coaches, counselors ect..

Then NHS and Social Care x2 budget.. get it really well funded!

The trade off is then, cut everything else, just offer less services, also cut the pensions, while I love both sets of my grandparents the fact they all retired at 55-60 from public service jobs (police, nurse, power station manager and another nurse) have all gone on to thankfully live into their 90's means they have all been on a pension which is more than I could dream of ever earning in full time employment while not working for 40+ years shows how un-balanced the economy is.

If every person in the UK, was told look we will give you a fantastic education, and best start to life and tools we can provide you till your 18, and you will never have to worry about your health, but after that your on your own, we have given you the tools and freedom now go and prosper.

I would say that is a fair deal, and hopefully for every generation of well educated, well balanced motivated young adults that come out of the system, the less pressure (and need for spending) on Police, benefits, and pressure on NHS.