Quote Originally Posted by pjv1990 View Post
A couple of years ago I found myself homeless after I walked out of a seriously abusive family members house. They were mentally and physically abusive towards me and I'd had enough as I was suicidal as a result (no addiction issues though). I went to Newport Council that morning to try and sort out emergency accommodation so I'd have a place to sleep that night. What I was told by the council horrified and appalled me. They basically said that because I'm a single white male with no children that I'd have to rough sleep on the streets as emergency accommodation was strictly kept for women and mothers as it's dangerous for women to rough sleep. I was told that because I was a man that I'd be able to cope with rough sleeping until I could sort out housing benefits and start bidding on flats etc... They actually put me in touch with someone who could provide a tent and sleeping bag for goodness sake.
That sounds familiar. I didn't complete my A-levels as my disabled mother needed caring. Parents had divorced, negative equity on the house, it had to be sold. It was soon bought, so we applied for emergency housing. My mother was adviced to stay at a women's hostel as it would boost her chances of finding a place. When I asked about where I could stay, I was told to make my own provision and they wouldn't help me. Thankfully I was able to do so, but the council would have seen me on the street.