Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
And yet despite everything the Conservatives still have that consistent 42,43 per cent rating in the polls which suggests that hardly anybody who voted for them in December is switching their allegiances. In spite of all that has happened since the election, Brexit still rules it seems.

I'd be fascinated to know from Tories on here what they would have to do for them to consider voting for someone else.
As you well know I'm not a Tory, Bob, so excuse me for butting in.
Being as objective as I can, most people have not been directly affeted by the virus and if they have , just a minor dose of flu so they dont undestand the seriousness of it.
Secondly the government has given a lot of support via furlough and self employed grant's so many people financially are doing ok at the moment.
Thirdly the MSM have been appalling, preferring to concentrate on what is happening abroad rather than UK.
I would hope, as financial support comes to an end and mass redundancies kick in the public mood may change but then of course we've got Brexit on the horizon. Possibly another factor why swathes still support the government.