Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
A few months ago the media were complaining that the government was not quarantining people arriving on these shores from mainland Europe. Now it is happening various people are saying that the arrangements are unnecessary and that more notice should have been given. The people who travelled to France and the Netherlands in the last couple of weeks, when it was evident quarantining would be imposed, shouldn't have travelled in the first place. The government advice on websites is that people should not travel internationally except for emergencies so those moaning on various radio talk shows only have themselves to blame.
Which websites are those?

I am totally confused by the messages coming out of government - with different ministers contradicting each other several times a day and the 'official' advice on gov.uk often different from the line promoted by Johnson, other ministers or the scientific human shields. There is a fog of contradictory and constantly changing communication - but I haven't picked up any clear message that 'people shouldn't travel internationally except for emergencies'.

We are supposed to be going to southern Italy in a month - a 60th birthday holiday for my other half planned a year ago. We finally committed to it a few weeks back (previously only paid for the flights between Manchester and Naples). At the moment Italy appears to be one of the lowest infected countries in Europe (from the worst in March), and certainly safer than the UK. I accept that could all change over the next 4 weeks and/or we could end up with a 2 week quarantine when we get back (not such a hardship as we are both retired). But every time I have looked at government websites or spoken to the travel company I have been reassured that this is not a reckless decision or one defying government advice.