Mr Cairns , former secretary of state for Wales, till the wheels came off , is never one for standing still.

Having previously done his bit for Italian Welsh relations and getting stung for claiming for a second home in cardiff Bay.......whilst his main home was just a 25 minute drive away, its now been announced that straight talking tory mr cairns has a new job on top of his mp salary .

He is going to be a ......special advisor a company that will be making coronavirus resting equipment for the uk government.

His new role , which will earn him 15 grand a year , is very taxing . 6 hours a month .

He was advised against taking up his new , part time job as he was told it could look a bit dodgy but alun thought sod it and took the money .

In March, Mr Cairns was exposed as having had his election campaign bankrolled by a Ukrainian energy tycoon and a London property developer .

He gets about .

In 2012 Al had free tickets for the Chelsea flower show supplied by a Japanese ciggy company at the same time he voted against a bill banning smoking in cars carrying children and vocally opposed plain packaging on fags .

He also loves fox hunting .

An all round throughly transparent top chap .