Well done. You are obviously very proud of your achievement, and you should be. I haven't had a problem myself but know lots of people who have had issues with drink and drugs. I also know of youngsters you have died after being sold tablets and taking just one. It would frighten me to take anything like that.

I think a lot of people are in denial about their alcohol consumption but that is as dangerous, and more common, than drug abuse.

The only thing I did was smoke, 20+ B&H a day until I started getting pains in legs. I went to the doctor and he told me to give up or else I would have trouble later in life. That was 28 February 1983 and now cannot stand the smell of cigarette smoke.

I am however addicted to a football team that has caused me problems for 50 years! Lots of highs and lots of lows too.

They do say the best counsellors are the ones who have had the problem themselves.

All the best.