Wow guy's thanks for all the good wishes and support. To answer some of the questions, firstly my drug of choice was what ever you got and whatever you got was usually my favourite. Embassy number 6 was the first thing I was hooked on just after starting Afon taf high school aged 11, then flagons of cider in the parks and bus shelters weren't to long after.

I started popping pills like black bombers and blueys and started to go to northern soul clubs at about 14 and that went on for 10 years I was having a great time was young and could handle the downers.

Over the years i swapped one drug for another I realise now that it was just like swapping seats on the titanic I was going down, I just didn't realise that alcohol was the problem because everyone drank in Merthyr when I grew up and I didn't view it as a drug.

In 1997 I had a detox in NYC and was introduced to AA, there a seed was planted in my head that there was another way to live life. I drank and used for another 3 years and finally got back into a detox in Marylebone and detoxed of everything. Started going to meetings sober day's turned into months and now I have two decades.

I have things in my life today which I could have never dreamed of, things like peace of mind, emotional balance and a sense of direction in life which are all promises of AA, I have travelled far and wide bought nice cars from showrooms and have never not had a pound in my pocket since cleaning up. Last night I took my wife and my son to the Ritz in London for a nice bit of fine dining to celebrate this remarkable anniversary, because I too have worked in psychiatric wards and drug and alcohol services and know that most people die from active addiction sometimes slowly and sometimes quickly.