Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
you think that Russia, China, North Korea are socialist states ? Tell me you are pulling my leg

Democratic socialism underpinned by keynesian economic theory is what I support

Some countries in Europe since the second World War have tried an approach and we had a lot of success in Britain Post war with housing , the NHS , social policy , welfare for those who needed it

You think that Russia , China and North Korea and run on this model ? They don't even get to vote in reality

I dont think you have a clue what democratic socialism is and there is no doubt whatsoever that far from being not political at all you are right wing . Deny it all you want but its like me trying to deny that I read the western mail every morning , even though I know its rubbish .
Democratic socialism is in your head, the reality is never so. I agree some of the things done such a NHS pansions are good but they are only paid for by taxes and if you redistribute the wealth there will be no tax income. Its a myth. Its a very nice rosy picture but it isn't reality and it never will be. you always get centralised control and that leads to corruption. you used a phrase yourself the other day that quite chilled me when you were talking about something else. I forget the exact circumstances but boris had done something and you said words to the effect of "The idot gave them the freedom to make their own minds up. He must be mad" That just about sums up socialism in reality. don't give people the freedom to feck their own lives up, tell them what to do and regulate them. It's like another left wind adherent on here who once said that the people who voted tory were to stupid to vote and shouldn't be allowed to vote. That translates that anyone who doesn't vote for socialism shouldn't be allowed to vote.
A 1 party state. Does that sound familiar?
It always ends badly. There is not one example of it going well.