Quote Originally Posted by Jordi Culé View Post
Unbefuuckinglievable thing to say!

Gladys is dead. Dead from hyperthermia. Found frozen to her rocking chair encrusted in ice like a lone pea found in an undefrosted freezer shelf.

Bale killed her.

Show some respect you heartless fuucker.
I thought you were a socialist but you clearly don't understand

Capitalist society which pays a already immensely rich man 25 million pounds a year in wages whilst people living in the valleys upon whose work and toil cardiff was built sees people dying in the winter because they freeze because of a lack of money is the problem

I thought you would understand that

It could be Billy Hughes from Doncaster getting paid 25 million a year playing for arsenal when someone in a mining village near where he was brought up has to go to a food bank that is the problem

Thats it from me on this thread