Quote Originally Posted by Tokyo Blue View Post
Let's not forget that this all started over a career criminal who died in police custody due to "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint and neck compression", and what the media often neglect to mention is that his toxicology report shows a high dosage of fentanyl and meth, in addition to his previously-existing heart condition. Was the knee on the neck excessive? Sure. Was it the sole factor which resulted in his death? Nah.

The American media latched on to it and made it in to a story about racism where there's zero evidence for it and has set race relations back by decades. Also, unless they make a political conviction out of the police officer, he'll never get sent down for murder, probably manslaughter or negligence (as they definitely could've handled the situation better). As you can see, Floyd says "I can't breathe" when sat upright in the back of a police car and asked to be put on the ground:


(the fact that the above video footage was "leaked" and not officially released is very telling...)

And then we have the laughable comments from those who think "DuRRrRrrR mUh RaCIsTs!" if people object to a gesture that, to some degree, shows underlying affiliation with a political organisation that campaigns to smash capitalism, defund the police, and abolish the "Western-prescribed nuclear family structure", and that was founded by self-proclaimed "trained Marxists". Before anyone accuses me of being "MuH RiGHt-WiNg SnOWfLAkE!!", this information was to be found on BLM's own website (although, they seemed to have recently removed this information, but screenshots still exist).

In addition to which, I can't fathom why such an organisation would make martyrs out of career criminals who die resisting arrest and being non-compliant with police and encourage rioting/looting, but black lives such as ex-cop David Dorn, 8 year-old Secoriea Turner or 1 year-old Davell Gardner get very little recognition in comparison (plus many more, all who died after Floyd or as a result of Floyd protests). But these were black people killed by other black people, so I guess their lives didn't matter as much because they didn't fit the "oppression" narrative. So, at the very least, BLM semantically is a bit of a jumble.

Could it be that the BLM movement has been co-opted by radical far-leftists who couldn't give any less of a crap about black lives? You decide.

But hey, kneel away.

(TL;DR: racism is bad and still exists but not as much as the media want it to, media sucks balls, let's try and be nicer to each other, media sucks even more balls)
I have decided

You are a bit right wing

Actually very