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Thread: Gender Pronouns

  1. #51

    Re: Gender Pronouns

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    You’ve been brain washed, stop reading the brain rotting nonsense you’ve been reading and start worrying about things that actually matter.

    Imagine if you focussed this anger onto some actual injustice and not how some other human being would like to be referred.

    You really are a sanctimonious, condescending ****er.

    Dismiss concerns, wonder why populism is on the increase then blame it on bigotry.
    Rinse and repeat election season upon election season.

    Trump will win In November because of the left.

  2. #52

    Re: Gender Pronouns

    Quote Originally Posted by Wash DC Blue View Post

    You really are a sanctimonious, condescending ****er.

  3. #53

    Re: Gender Pronouns

    Quote Originally Posted by WJ99mobile View Post
    I tend to agree with WDB sorry.

    I believe that these topics are so divisive they’ve split demographics. I think that they are so polarising anyone that was moderate has hardened stances. What reason, be it brexit, gender or people expressing opinions more on social media etc has yet to be determined but I do find people’s options becoming hardened be that both left or right.
    Why is calling someone their preferred pronoun a left or a right issue though? It shows how weak, thick and easily led people can be.

    People were saying exactly the same things when gay people were getting more rights. Some people are just anti everything.

    I just don’t understand why this is such a big issue to some. I can’t even imagine that many people have been affected by it. They just read something about it, get riled up for no reason and are then stubbornly set in their ways and afraid to change their opinion.

    If this sort of thing drives people “left” or “right” for some reason they were already well on their way there anyway.

  4. #54

    Re: Gender Pronouns

    Quote Originally Posted by Wash DC Blue View Post

    You really are a sanctimonious, condescending ****er.

    Dismiss concerns, wonder why populism is on the increase then blame it on bigotry.
    Rinse and repeat election season upon election season.

    Trump will win In November because of the left.
    Where has anyone mentioned bigotry?

    Whatever brainwashing media you’re consuming is pushing your brain straight there as soon as anyone disagrees with you.

    Your concerns haven’t been dismissed they’ve been questioned and you haven’t managed to put across a counter argument.

    Vote for trump and get pushed right because someone has asked to you to call them a different name mate, it just shows how weak you are.

  5. #55

    Re: Gender Pronouns

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Where has anyone mentioned bigotry?

    Whatever brainwashing media you’re consuming is pushing your brain straight there as soon as anyone disagrees with you.

    Your concerns haven’t been dismissed they’ve been questioned and you haven’t managed to put across a counter argument.

    Vote for trump and get pushed right because someone has asked to you to call them a different name mate, it just shows how weak you are.
    the only bigots are on the insane left who now believe in any nonsense that dishonest people dream up changing speech and book burning is pure facist Marxism.

  6. #56

    Re: Gender Pronouns

    Quote Originally Posted by WJ99mobile View Post
    I tend to agree with WDB sorry.

    I believe that these topics are so divisive they’ve split demographics. I think that they are so polarising anyone that was moderate has hardened stances. What reason, be it brexit, gender or people expressing opinions more on social media etc has yet to be determined but I do find people’s options becoming hardened be that both left or right.
    the sad thing is this is all planned by the elites so they can divide and rule its all pushed by the regressive media to control us all

  7. #57

    Re: Gender Pronouns

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    He's got a few grievances this one
    I have with insane anti science clap trap dreamed up by complete looneys in the states. Always remember in this new insane world you want science is indeed racist apparently. you have been through a regressive education system so its no surprise you know nothing about this subject only propagande

  8. #58

    Re: Gender Pronouns

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    Do you have a grievance with grievance merchants?
    yes they are grifters

  9. #59

    Re: Gender Pronouns

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    You wouldn't refer to someone with mental health issues as mental. You don't refer to someone with a learning difficulty as retarded. We move on. We live and learn. Do I understand gender fluidity? Absolutely not. But then why would I? I've never experienced anything like that. If that's how someone feels and they'd prefer to be addressed as such, I have no problem with it.

    I know a bloke that used to be called Bobby and then transitioned to female. More of a friend of a friend. We have to refer to her as Jennifer now. It's weird, and I slip up sometimes but I try to go along with it.
    it don't exist that's why only in the minds of very unhappy people

  10. #60

    Re: Gender Pronouns

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    Look at Gina Carano for proof of that, she has been mercilessly trolled on twitter about it, once again, from the safety of behind a keyboard of screen

    a link to the story

    She has a problem with bullies hi-jacking worthwhile causes and retaliates by taking the piss out of the very people she's supposedly concerned about?

    I think she's being a little disingenuous there. Why didn't she just out the abusive people?

  11. #61

    Re: Gender Pronouns

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    To be fair though, you were posting Islamophobic slurs on here before it was cool, Matt.
    good to see numpties posting hamas talking points well done

  12. #62

    Re: Gender Pronouns

    Quote Originally Posted by Wash DC Blue View Post
    It is all part of the prism of intersectionality that offends me.
    I guess the World is changing at too rapid a pace for my meager brain to keep up with.

    I have zero back ground in either The language or science fields...does that render me incapable of having an opinion?

    Do you have a background in these fields?
    intersectionality is the most insane doctrine ever created they actually preach that science should be ignored because of the colour of the scientists !!!!!!!!!!!!!! social justice is in reality social bullying and pure Maoism , how do you think they got to justify killing so many people for the great leap forward, this is just a western version of that cancer

  13. #63

    Re: Gender Pronouns

    Quote Originally Posted by robjohn44 View Post
    the only bigots are on the insane left who now believe in any nonsense that dishonest people dream up changing speech and book burning is pure facist Marxism.
    Pure fascist Marxism?


  14. #64

    Re: Gender Pronouns

    Yes dummy now the facists are the insane left its a strange world of the progressive regressives

  15. #65

    Re: Gender Pronouns

    Quote Originally Posted by robjohn44 View Post
    Yes dummy now the facists are the insane left its a strange world of the progressive regressives
    I think you use a lot of words without really knowing what they mean.

  16. #66
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Gender Pronouns

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    The word 'Mann' is not gender neutral. It's masculine and means 'man'.
    'Man' however, translates our our 'one' that you refer to.
    Isn't that the second time that you given out duff gen about the German language?
    So not 'duff gen' then, just a spelling error in a foreign language. We are not all blessed with your encyclopedic knowledge though are we? Did you google translate to check it just to score a cheap point?
    But when you start 'correcting' other posters spelling and grammar on here it just shows how low you'll go t be a smart arse. Most people on here who start doing it are considered to have run out of argument on the subject under discussion.
    As for giving "Duff Gen" about the German language on here before, no I don't recall ever doing it. But I'm sure you'll trawl back through everyone of my 8,000+ posts in the last 10 years just to prove yourself right!!!

  17. #67

    Re: Gender Pronouns

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    So not 'duff gen' then, just a spelling error in a foreign language. We are not all blessed with your encyclopedic knowledge though are we? Did you google translate to check it just to score a cheap point?
    But when you start 'correcting' other posters spelling and grammar on here it just shows how low you'll go t be a smart arse. Most people on here who start doing it are considered to have run out of argument on the subject under discussion.
    As for giving "Duff Gen" about the German language on here before, no I don't recall ever doing it. But I'm sure you'll trawl back through everyone of my 8,000+ posts in the last 10 years just to prove yourself right!!!
    I added a smiley to indicate that I wasn't really being that critical, old fruit. Calm down

    And I didn't look it up if that really makes any difference

    May your day be filled with serendipity, deep joy and good karma.

  18. #68

    Re: Gender Pronouns

    So Wales-Bales has another alt in robjohn44 then? Boring ****

  19. #69

    Re: Gender Pronouns

    Being nice to people and considering their mental health by slightly altering how you address them is cultural marxism!

    People spend too much time reading shite on the internet and have lost their minds ffs. How many people have even come across someone asking them to use a different pronoun in real life?

  20. #70

    Re: Gender Pronouns

    Quote Originally Posted by robjohn44 View Post
    good to see numpties posting hamas talking points well done
    You don't even know what "fascism" is, you tool

  21. #71

    Re: Gender Pronouns

    Quote Originally Posted by robjohn44 View Post
    the only bigots are on the insane left who now believe in any nonsense that dishonest people dream up changing speech and book burning is pure facist Marxism.
    Isn't Marxism more of an economic theory

    I may be wrong but gender politics forms no part of Marxism?

  22. #72

    Re: Gender Pronouns

    Quote Originally Posted by WJ99mobile View Post
    Isn't Marxism more of an economic theory

    I may be wrong but gender politics forms no part of Marxism?
    Unless one is talking about Groucho.

  23. #73

    Re: Gender Pronouns

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    So Wales-Bales has another alt in robjohn44 then? Boring ****
    I thought it was Rogersblue! Or are they all one multi?

  24. #74

    Re: Gender Pronouns

    Quote Originally Posted by robjohn44 View Post
    the sad thing is this is all planned by the elites so they can divide and rule its all pushed by the regressive media to control us all
    I bet you voted for Brexit!!! You are Tommy Robinson and I claim my free copy of Mein Kampf.

  25. #75

    Re: Gender Pronouns

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    I bet you voted for Brexit!!! You are Tommy Robinson and I claim my free copy of Mein Kampf.
    you facists are insane

    go and burn a book and deplatform everyone like the good little brainwashed fool you are.

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