At the start of last season, we had a squad best suited to playing an extreme version of the long ball game and we were getting precisely nowhere playing it. For me the key word there is "extreme" - a side playing an extreme version of what its critics call "tippy tappy" football would be just as unsuccessful, and boring to watch, as we were under Warnock last autumn.

Especially after lockdown, Neil Harris was able to introduce a style which while playing to the squad he inherited's strength in terms of physicality and direct play, also included more of a patient, passing approach. To try and attempt a complete transformation to a style our squad of a year ago were not suited to playing would have been madness and, almost certainly, produced less points than Warnock was able to grind out.

This season, we have not been able to recapture the form we showed in May, June and July yet and there may be a temptation to go back to the style which I would say still favours the squad we have, but we played in a way that was better to watch while winning us more points post lockdown and, surely, we need to try to continue with a gradual change to a more modern way of playing the game?