Quote Originally Posted by Ianto13 View Post
Give the guy a break, he had a good game on Saturday. If we gave him the free kicks he may score like his brother as he has a wicked shot? He has scored 11 goals for us in 59 games. A better strike rate than most of our team?
My laughing smile was giving him a break, so I wasn't directly having a go at Josh.
To be fair he did okay on Saturday against Boro but I don't think he shows enough to warrant a starting place.

His brother Jacob, to his credit, has apparently been working hard doing extra training trying to get back in favour in the Newcastle side.
He worked his socks off yesterday and grabbed the ball to score a terrific equalising goal late on.

Josh obviously has talent but we only get glimpses. He is good when we are on top but when we are up against it unfortunately does not put the graft in and you have to earn your place in Harris's side.

I hope Josh watched Jacob and takes a leaf out of his book.