Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
Your facts are filled with deception. I'm out
Wake up and smell the coffee. We have a government currently treating us all like idiots. They instil fear everyday with talk of death rates and saving lives, yet the facts say that since mid year the overall death rates are no different this year to last and that includes Covid.
In March they prohibited travel over 5 miles with no evidence to back up the decision. Recently that prohibited travel outside authority boundaries, no evidence to back up the decision. These travel bans affected millions.
They have introduced the latest lockdown with frightening speed and no consultation. They said it would last two weeks, but not so sure now. They haven't told us what's to happen on 9 Nov, not me not you not any business in Wales knows. I wonder iff the Government knows?
They are taking away our freedom and liberties at a stroke and in my 75 years in this world I have never seen the public in Wales treated with so little respect by our leaders. They tell us that intensive care beds are full, not true. They say pubs and restaurants are safe and close them all. They tell us what we can and cannot buy as if we are infants, yet people have been frightened into submission and accept it. Doctors seem to have learned a lot about how to handle this virus our leaders very little. No doubt we will have another arbitrary lockdown in a month or two.
I like most obey the rules, and all the basics like distancing , hygiene etc, but Im against blindly accepting rules and regulations on a whim unless there is evidence to back them up.
70,000 people have signed the petition regarding non essential goods. At last some response from the public, but sadly little response from the Government. They obviously know best, as usual.