Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
The problem is that clothes etc will be bought on line.

They usually arrive next say and once people get used to it they will keep doing it.

Could affect the shops more than if they bought a few clothes from the supermarkets
To be fair, think those who are still buying a TV in a shop are unlikely to move to doing it online now if they haven't already made that move on the US version of Black Friday last year/the year before/the year before etc. If this making the public realise that shops need support then hopefully that feeling lasts 17 days and continues into next year because I've also seen comments from bookshop owners about people asking them to research what a book is before being told thanks but the potential customer will now find it online.

What is essential? What isn't? It's a minefield that could have been avoided without these depressing images, though with a 17 day fire-break as opposed to a 4 week one (NI) we do need tighter restrictions (self-imposed or otherwise) and people to play ball for it to work.

It's under review now so we'll hear next week what happens.