Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
I've just read the Technical Advisory Group's advice paper to the WAG. It's only 13 pages, not that complicated, and some of the conclusions are very interesting.

A key paragraph: "Behavioural insights show that many measures will only work if the public are engaged, agree and understand that Covid-19 is a serious health threat that must be managed; there should be a clear, simple set of rules and messages with achievable actions and goals. Messages and rules should be fair and applicable to all, and should reinforce why people are being asked to make significant sacrifices."

As regards non-essential retailers, the conclusion is: "Very minimal impact on Rt values. Some limited evidence of transmission from China. Short duration and ability to distance in most settings and face coverings are likely to mitigate well."

The advice paper seems to suggest that closing non-essential retailers would have negligible impact on the transmission rate, but the shops were closed all the same and the WAG took things a step further by attempting to block non-essential items from being sold in supermarkets. If my understanding of the paper is correct, they certainly weren't 'following the science' on this occasion.

But the reasons given weren't scientific.