Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
What is important at this time?
All of the indications are that the major problem is transmission of the virus within households. Therefore, the right thing to do at this time (in my opinion) would have been to attempt to hammer home the message that people shouldn't visit friends or relatives at all during this particular period unless it is absolutely essential to do so. Instead, the WAG have wasted their time and efforts drawing up convoluted lists of what people can and can't buy in supermarkets.

You're right that people have enough of this crap, though. After all, it's been seven months now and all the indications are that there will be more restrictions on the way in due course. In my experience, many people are utterly exhausted by it and are less concerned or careful than they were previously. The majority are still being responsible to a large degree, but attitudes now seem to be absolutely nothing like they were in March, April and May.