Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
This quote from Bob Woodward summed it up well:

“In 2016 Trump came along and smashed up the old order in a very definitive way,” he said. “If you want to know what’s happened in 2020, Biden represented the old order. The Democratic party has got to figure out how they change themselves.”

If Trump had hammered home the 47 years in politics line then he was on to a winner, but for some reason they went with the stupid Hunter Biden's laptop story. From over here, it is clear what Trump's threat to USA's future is, but for people between the coasts, they are sick of being overlooked. Trump saw that in 2016 and played on it, and that was more difficult to do as incumbent but it would have been a strong strategy.

I think the Democrats do have a problem in 2024. I think Kamala Harris looks smart and strong, but being a) female and b) not white will be a major problem to lots of the country. She is pretty much guaranteed to be the Democrat candidate so they are going to need to plan.

For all that we talk about racism on the rise in the UK, we know that being a woman isn't a barrier to being PM and I think a non-white person could easily be elected here. But in the US? Not so sure.
America has elected a black president