Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
Coventry were always my second team as a kid. Although I was born and brought up in Cardiff and used to attend City's home games I also used to watch Coventry home games once in a while and due to family connections.
Ernie Hunt and Ian Gibson were always favourites of mine and I think my aunt dated the latter for a while.
In those days, Coventry were in the top division and one rung above City - and it's amazing to see them back in the second tier after their travails in recent years and without them even having a ground of their own.
One thing was remarkable at their home games in the seventies: the marketing of their brand at home games. Not only was the ground bedecked with their colours but even the coffee cups had the club name, elephant symbol and club colour on them, which was way ahead of their time and due, I believe, to the astuteness of Jimmy Hill.
was my team too... all my mates supported man utd, liverpool, arsenal... and i just wanted to be different so i picked coventry lol, i liked the shirt colours and the name ? and yes the fact they were awsome team back in the day, i still have a few old sky blue shirts somewhere
blue has just always been my colour lol...
i 1st went down to ninian at age 8 on my own, i know i dread to think now of my kids walking the streets at 8 but we did back then, i was drawn by the roar and the flood lights and the fact i lived on lansdowne rd lol i snuck in at half time and we beat crystal palace 3-0 and i was hooked... but still look in at covs results