I've got 2 songs - one for the first part of lockdown when the weather was great and there was no traffic, and one for when the weather was bad and the roads too busy -


Bicycle, bicycle, bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle, bicycle, bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like


Food, glorious food!
Hot sausage and mustard!
While we're in the mood --
Cold jelly and custard!
Peas, pudding and saveloys!
What next is the question?
Rich gentlemen have it, boys --

Food, glorious food!
We're anxious to try it
Three banquets a day --
Our favourite diet!

Just picture a great big steak --
Fried, roasted or stewed
Oh, food
Wonderful food
Marvellous food
Glorious food