Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
What a shitty response. I've had disagreements with you and countless other people on here but when it comes to serious matters (such as health) I've always been able to look past that and offer information and advice to help them when they've needed it.

I have done that with you on a few occasions (including the other day) yet you call me "obsessed" and that I "need help"... How ungrateful is that?

"I know you worry about me..." Yes, I was worried about you not doing what you had to, to get the vaccine after recently being told explicitly how to get it.

You completely ignored the information I (and others) gave you because you had read something else which was obviously completely wrong. You've obviously now taken that advice and got your appointment. You're welcome.

I'd be worried about any person on here if their health was at stake because that's just my nature. What a c**t I am for that, eh?!

Do you know what? I'm not petty enough to not try to help you again if you needed it too.

Hope your appointment goes well, you prick.
oooh nasty! I never refused the advice, I merely pointed out that the BBC had quoted the local health board as saying that persons under 75 should NOT contact them. I didn't realise I wasn't allowed to comment on something I'd read. You'll have to send me the CCFC Messageboard handbook.
Your concern for me on health matters looked in the actual post as if you were concerned for my mental state, which at the moment is fine, thank you.
as I told you my comment about photographic ID was merely replying to Bluetit's comment about my bank details. you may have thought that was serious but I took it as a joke. But perhaps thats necause of my mental state.