Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
i don't like ?

never forget i got those e mails and pictures that were leaked in November 2020

would never post them on here far too graphic and would probably get Mike kicked off the internet if I did

We can only hope that authorities will take the lead and put the Biden crime family into the courts and hopefully into jail where they belong

oh by the way if trumps son was the same as his ilk i would say the same before you claim i am sort of trump fan
Mozz, when you stated this crusade against your credibility you were full of how Trump was cruelly robbed of his legitimate right to the Presidency by Dominion Voting Machines, dead Venezuelans, Italian IT hackers and votes being manipulated on German servers that had been seized by the US military. The fact that this absolute hokum you were posting day after day was being laughed out of every court it was entered into did not seem to phase you one iota.

At no time before the election were you energised enough to even mention Hunter Biden. Yet a bit like the last of the Trump holdouts you seem hooked into only relatively recently have you hooked into Hunter Biden, presumably because that's all that's left.

The facts are pretty plain.

Joe Biden emerged as a limited nominee from a flawed field of Democrat candidates;

Trump and his team thought the best way to get to Biden was through this dislikeable and morally compromised son;

He sent his hit squad of Guiliani and others to try and dig up dirt in the Ukraine whilst also blackmailing Zelensky over witholding arms aid if he did not co-operate by starting an investigation, which led to his first impeachment when this was disclosed by a whistleblower.

They threw the kitchen sink when Biden's laptop amazingly got recovered in a New York repair shop in time for the great, October Surprise.

The surprise was that the Trump gang were surprised when it hit the polls like a lead balloon, barely registering outside the tin-foil gang.

Despite all this, and Biden's mediocrity, Trump lost the election handsomely.

Of course you are not a Trump fan. Trump fans would be lauding the fact that he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, never started a war, was building the wall and spent pages and pages bemoaning how his rightful election was stolen. That's obviously not you.

No you are just anti the installed one, Sleepy Joe, leader of a crime family who should be locked up because he has a son of poor character and anything the Russian Ministry of Defence say (as long as they say it on some far-right website and not the Guardian) is ripe for belief and reproduction.