Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
What are you on about? Get rid of something that is keeping minimum wage low... Well, he's meant to be doing that in the truest from isn't he? You know, by actually raising the minimum wage.

Tips tax exists here too. Get your pen and writing pad out and start writing to Boris if you're so concerned
Not sure if your on the sherry .

I'll try and explain this , businesses in the USA don't offer decent livings wages as they can push a tip culture to make up that wage gap to keep workers happy , sadly the USA then taxed that tip so it's a double whammy for the bottom end earners ,and that has existed through many Democrats administrations , never mind union re.(so much for socialism )

This country has far better minimum wages , and of course it could be better , over the last few years the nasty Tories have increased minimum wage and raised tax basic tax thresholds , yes more can be done though .

Tax and minimum wages in the UK and the USA are very different, with us being in a better world is the wealth gap comparison , racism , environment, poor workers rights, and many other issues.

I'm sure Joe will fix all this .

This might help you : https://www.theguardian.com/commenti...tic-gratuities