Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
Not sure why, but after being a big fan when it used to be shown on Channel 4 in the eighties, I kind of lost contact with American Football, but have got back into it somewhat in the last two seasons. My teams in the eighties were the Houston Oilers because they were crap (they seem to have disappeared into the ether somewhere in the last thirty odd years) and the Green Bay Packers because it snowed so often in their games. So I was hoping they were going to win it this year and I certainly didn't see what happened on the weekend coming. I'd usually be wanting the team that had won the previous year to be beaten, but I'll be supporting Kansas City because even someone with such a patchy knowledge of the game as me can see that Mahomes is something special - as is Brady of course, but, perhaps wrongly, I'm not a fan of his because of Deflategate.
The Oilers moved to Tennessee and then changed their name to the Titans. Houston got a new team in the expansion (I think - this happened when I stopped following it for a while too).