Goals in a game - 3
Tries in a game - 2
Score in cricket - 53, few 5fers in there too. Bowling competent leg spin on green pitches in Wales is cheating
Lowest Round of golf - 90+. Too much cricket meant by the time I've taken up golf, I find it really hard to stop my front elbow coming over the ball so all my shots are like an off drive
Break at Snooker - 10 or so, I'm not very good!
Top speed whilst racing a motorcycle - do go karts count?
Fastest 100m - about 13s! I wish I was near that now!
Heaviest Fish Caught - a rainbow trout! Not sure on the size as it went straight on the BBQ!
Basketball points - can’t remember but hated it. Being 5'10 isn't very helpful
Touchdowns - Never played!