Quote Originally Posted by valleys caveman View Post
If you had a time machine that would only go forward, would you step foot in it?
The relationships that define us will have either disappeared or weakened, depending on the timescale concerned.
It could be totally bewildering on many counts and the objects of many of our passions may no longer exist or be so niche that there are few other individuals to share them with.
Technology may have advanced so rapidly that it leaves us totally befuddled and feeling like idiots. (A bit like Bluetit perhaps )
We don't know how things will be regarding international conflicts, crime rates, personal liberty, climate change (including rising tidal levels), poverty, green energy and a myriad of other matters but advances in medicine and science may cure ailments we may currently have or which we may contract in due course.

You have to ask yourself if you prefer another twenty years with the wife here on Earth or:

Have another another 50 years with her in the future or:

Leave her here, take the time machine and replace her with a sexbot that does the washing up.

She may insist on you taking the latter option, of course.