Quote Originally Posted by splott parker View Post
Been for a walk around Roath Park this afternoon, lovely going through the park, had an ice cream, then a hot chocolate overlooking the lake. What shocked me was how the scavenging seagulls are now vastly outnumbering the swans and ducks, one bloke with his little boy was feeding the buggers. When my kids were little we fed the swans & ducks but then again I’m sure that there were far fewer seagulls about then, if any at all. Is it the increase in fast food waste that has led to the population explosion of the vermin?
Quote Originally Posted by Lord Dargavel View Post
I remember them in the early 80s as far inland as Heath. They used to land on my nan's garage on Heathwood Road. Not often but they seemed huge to me as a 4-5 year old boy.
Aren't they supposed to be reincarnated sailors? The buggers I used to see ripping open my black bin-bags in Rumney,must have been 'Bligh of the Bounty'!