Quote Originally Posted by Mad as a fish View Post
Before I start pleas believe me I really am at my wits end and genuinely dont know what to do or who to turn to. My Wife and I are elderly, Im 73 wife is 77 been married for 53 years. I am as sharp as a button mentally but am disabled due to an inability to walk more than a few steps due to 4 unsuccessful hip operations. The last couple of years My Mrs has been having memory problems etc which have been getting rapidly worse to the extent of becoming extremely dangerous and violent. We sleep in separate rooms due to my disability and the last six months due to my disability we now live in a beautiful Purpose built disabled bungalow. To give you an instance of what is going on today I heard a crash and asked her what was going on and she had thrown an alarm clock against the wall and smashed it to bits, I asked her why she had done it and she said there was no dialling tone on it!! Other instances have been she lighting fires in ashtrays and watches it. She has stabbed me (accidently) a couple of times. She has become increasingly violent and just goes around grunting out loud every waking minute and just cries all day long.
I have tried to gently tried to persuade her to talk to somebody about it and she goes mad at me and says I am trying to get her put away (Not true) I just want her to get help. She was assigned a Social worker a few months ago who was a lovely woman about 30ish, until one day she accused her of having an affair with me so obviously she couldnt help her any more. A few months ago the Doctor came to see me and I told him about the Mrs, guess what happened, he said he couldnt do anything unless my Mrs contacted him for help and said he couldnt help me with the problem. For the last few months I have just stayed in my bedroom just for peace and quiet if I venture out my World becomes a War Zone and I have got to the point where I am not going to be able to go on much longer, I am extremely depressed as you can probably tell but I havnt got enough bravery to finish it all but I go to bed every night hoping I wont wake up in the morning. Who the hell can I turn to, the Doctor doesnt want to know. Any suggestion would be gratefully recieved. Im desperate.
Thank for at lleast reading this.
Sorry it's not much help but have you tried contacting and speaking to mental health organisations or charities?
