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Thread: Hammering For Labour In Hartlepool

  1. #226

    Re: Hammering For Labour In Hartlepool

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    You just carry on endorsing a Tory lite Labour Party, Hun, Most of the problems with addiction, Depression, Homeless etc are caused through cuts in services, something your beloved Centrist crew would undoubtedly continue. You're part of the problem me old lover...
    Can you tell me how living in tooting in 1977 , shouting power to the people but not actually getting any power to do anything about it is going to help addiction , mental ill health etc ?

    I mean having a good old meeting of the socialist workers student society round your house is a good laugh but it doesn't win you elections . Moving to the centre is not the end of civilisation as long as social policy is paramout .

    Its 2021 , this country has always been to right with a small c , those of us who can't stand the conservatives have to lower our expectations and try and get what we can

    Or forever be shouting from the sidelines in opposition

    Electoral reform and a centre left rainbow alliance is the way to defeat the blue machine

    Like it or get off the bus

  2. #227

    Re: Hammering For Labour In Hartlepool

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    You don't remember Cambridge United?

    When did you stop supporting man u again ?
    I remember it very well. I was in the Canton stand for that game. At least we had 2 goals to cheer.

  3. #228
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Sheffield - out of Roath

    Re: Hammering For Labour In Hartlepool

  4. #229

    Re: Hammering For Labour In Hartlepool

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Long Corbyn....

  5. #230

    Re: Hammering For Labour In Hartlepool

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Can you tell me how living in tooting in 1977 , shouting power to the people but not actually getting any power to do anything about it is going to help addiction , mental ill health etc ?

    I mean having a good old meeting of the socialist workers student society round your house is a good laugh but it doesn't win you elections . Moving to the centre is not the end of civilisation as long as social policy is paramout .

    Its 2021 , this country has always been to right with a small c , those of us who can't stand the conservatives have to lower our expectations and try and get what we can

    Or forever be shouting from the sidelines in opposition

    Electoral reform and a centre left rainbow alliance is the way to defeat the blue machine

    Like it or get off the bus
    I love the way you portray me. I was in business for 22 years, a sole trader who employed 1 person. Lower Taxation and less regulation would've suited me down to the ground. I grafted, all over the UK. A Tory government wouldn't have hurt my pocket. It's not about that though, is it?

  6. #231

    Re: Hammering For Labour In Hartlepool

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    I love the way you portray me. I was in business for 22 years, a sole trader who employed 1 person. Lower Taxation and less regulation would've suited me down to the ground. I grafted, all over the UK. A Tory government wouldn't have hurt my pocket. It's not about that though, is it?
    Under this Government taxation is at its highest since 1964 [ 1950's if you include VAT]

  7. #232

    Re: Hammering For Labour In Hartlepool

    Labour have won the mayor position in West of England and Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. Labour have an issue with northern English towns but are growing stronger in cities and in the south of England.

    Is that where the young have migrated to because it's where the majority of jobs are following Blair's globalization and then Tory austerity targeting northern England/Labour heartlands?

  8. #233

    Re: Hammering For Labour In Hartlepool

    ITV news interviewed voters in Hartlepool on why they voted Conservative.

    Cuts in local authority services were blamed on the Labour council rather than 10 years of Tory austerity.

    Etonian toff and Bullingdon club member Boris Johnson was described by a woman as probably more of a North East type of person so you could relate to him.

    The Tories know if you cloak your policies in the Union Jack you can persuade the many to vote in favour of the few. They must wake up every morning shaking their heads at how they get away with it.

  9. #234

    Re: Hammering For Labour In Hartlepool


    Sir Kier Starmer takes full responsibility for Labours poor election results


    Angela Raynor sacked as Labour Party Chair and National Campaign Coordinator.

    Not sure this will end well

  10. #235

    Re: Hammering For Labour In Hartlepool

    Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post

    Sir Kier Starmer takes full responsibility for Labours poor election results


    Angela Raynor sacked as Labour Party Chair and National Campaign Coordinator.

    Not sure this will end well
    He's not going to sack himself, is he Wishful thinking...

  11. #236

    Re: Hammering For Labour In Hartlepool

    Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post

    Sir Kier Starmer takes full responsibility for Labours poor election results


    Angela Raynor sacked as Labour Party Chair and National Campaign Coordinator.

    Not sure this will end well
    I do think the two posts before this one should be paid attention to:

    I) Labour are growing in cities and the south of England
    Ii) Tories must laugh at how easy it is. Most of their politicians having nothing in common with Hartlepool and yet towns like this think they speak the same language - we all know there is a lack of substance and waiting to see if anyone cares.

    But this story will now dominate rest of the week. Own goal.

    FFS!! Time to take a break.

  12. #237

    Re: Hammering For Labour In Hartlepool

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    He's not going to sack himself, is he Wishful thinking...
    Hang on, someone to.d me earlier it was Corbyns fault they lost Hartlepool?

    Can someone as Sir Keir or Sludge what the fuuck is going on?
    Last edited by Jordi Culé; 08-05-21 at 21:07. Reason: 10 Brewdog

  13. #238

    Re: Hammering For Labour In Hartlepool

    Quote Originally Posted by Jordi Culé View Post
    Hang on, someone to.d me earlier it was Corbyns fault they lost Hartlepool?

    Can someone as Sir Keir or Sludge what the fuuck is going on?
    Corbyn needs to stand down again. What the hell does he think he is doing?

  14. #239

  15. #240

    Re: Hammering For Labour In Hartlepool

    Quote Originally Posted by Wash DC Blue View Post
    Thank you , thats a very interesting article

    The working class pro Labour vote that has been lost will see in time that they will be dumped and left behind once the conservatives have used them

    What needs to happen now , in England at least , is the formation of an alternative mainstream party to win back those voters when they realise they have been conned

    They are not going to return to Labour, its dead . Dead in Scotland and dying in England .

    Its all over , its 2021 and I hope those that don't vote tory can be offered an alternative

    Those of a centre left , middle ground and former Liberal voting persuasion can be united and if the Labour brand in England is dropped and a clean slate is offered that core Labour vote may join up .

    Otherwise its curtains

  16. #241

    Re: Hammering For Labour In Hartlepool

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Thank you , thats a very interesting article

    The working class pro Labour vote that has been lost will see in time that they will be dumped and left behind once the conservatives have used them

    What needs to happen now , in England at least , is the formation of an alternative mainstream party to win back those voters when they realise they have been conned

    They are not going to return to Labour, its dead . Dead in Scotland and dying in England .

    Its all over , its 2021 and I hope those that don't vote tory can be offered an alternative

    Those of a centre left , middle ground and former Liberal voting persuasion can be united and if the Labour brand in England is dropped and a clean slate is offered that core Labour vote may join up .

    Otherwise its curtains
    That article, which is a good one I reckon, sets out the problems facing Labour and the clear message is that the two sides, which spend more time arguing with each other, than doing what I, poor naive soul that I am, believe they should be doing (providing a proper opposition to a Government who surely cannot believe how easy they're having it at the moment) should get their act together.

    There is nothing to suggest in recent history that your new party would work or take off - that was tried a few years ago with Change UK, does it still exist?

    Similarly, why does the left wing of the Labour Party believe that all of these votes which they're losing in places like Hartlepool would return if only the party returned to the Corbyn approach which was responsible for the worst defeat in God knows how long just eighteen months ago? When has Labour ever won with what I'd call a real left wing socialist agenda? 1945 maybe, but that's it.

    As I mentioned earlier in this thread, I've been bemused as to why people in certain areas of the country have decided to vote for a party that has been in Government for eleven years and appear to be holding the party which has been in opposition for all of that time responsible for their lives not being as they'd want them to be - that makes no sense to me and, as Delbert says, blaming Labour councils for what's going wrong when they are having to work within the financial constraints imposed on them by the Conservative Government in Westminster seems barmy.

    I keep on waiting to see something from people living in areas like Hartlepool which can logically explain why they are now voting in large numbers for a party which their parents and grandparents would never have trusted and I've not seen anything yet which satisfactorily explains it. However, one thing which is emerging is that people in Hartlepool, and many other towns like it, no longer feel the Labour party represents them and this is a situation which, frankly, the party should be ashamed of.

    For now, we're hearing stuff from Labour about how they've lost the trust of the working class, but that looks like crocodile tears to me cried before a return to normal business (i.e. bashing the other side of the party). One comment which id register with me was that it's becoming harder to tell Labour and Tory MPs apart - for all of their talk of the working class, Jeremy Corbyn and his cohorts do not represent those who belong in it and it's becoming obvious that significant numbers of working people struggle to see a difference between them and many in the Conservative party.

    Labour have got a huge task on their hands trying to unite groups within it that are no longer united in the way they once were and nothing they've done since the 2019 election suggests they're up to it, but they still represent the best chance for the tens of millions in this country (there are not tens of millions of people in this country who vote tory) who feel they cannot support the Conservatives - they are letting millions of people down at present and will continue to do so until the penny drops that the huge majority of this country are not interested in the endless arguments about who is to blame within the party - they all are for helping create a situation where and governing party can become as lazy, incompetent and arrogant in their behaviour as they like safe in the knowledge that there is no opposition out there to keep them on their game.

  17. #242
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Hammering For Labour In Hartlepool



    Meanwhile, the pattern of Labour’s few successes last night seems relatively clear. Andy Burnham—one of those centre-left leaders who has learned the new terrain—is expected to romp home as Greater Manchester mayor. He pursued exactly the kind of combative approach to the Tories that the Left has called for since the beginning of the pandemic, and combined it with a specific pledge on progressive policy—taking buses back into public control—which promised real change in the lives of his electorate.

    In Salford, meanwhile, a left-wing Labour mayor who has pursued radical policies in local government, built the first council housing in a decade, and flies the red flag over town hall on May Day seems likely to achieve a similarly impressive result. He represents an area which, like Hartlepool, is an ageing, post-industrial Labour heartland which struggled in the wake of the demise of its docks and historic engineering industry that voted strongly for Leave and ranks among the top 20 most deprived local authorities in the country out of 317. And yet, there is no Labour catastrophe in his backyard.

    Even amid the ruins of these elections, there are examples we can learn from. Andy Burnham’s messaging has been disciplined but confrontational. It tapped into the widespread popular resentment which exists towards Boris Johnson and his government, despite these latest results. But more pertinently for the Left, Mayor Paul Dennett’s local government approach has delivered meaningful change in working-class people’s lives and sustained Salford’s sense of community which has been allowed to disintegrate in far too many of the places which built this party and movement over the past century.

    Salford, and its equally inspiring neighbour Preston, could have been held up as models during these local elections by a Labour leadership committed to transforming society. It could have talked about living wage jobs, insourcing, social care, council housing, Community Wealth Building or any number of other initiatives which would have motivated voters to turn out and support the party. But that is not the Starmer way.

  18. #243

    Re: Hammering For Labour In Hartlepool

    Labour reshuffle today apparently according to Sky News

  19. #244

    Re: Hammering For Labour In Hartlepool

    Labour centre:

    - Nothing that happened under Blair has contributed to Tory dominance ever since. It's all the fault of the Labour left.

    Labour left:

    - Nothing that happened over past 10 years has contributed to Tory dominance ever since - it's someone else's fault and we'll never accept centre ousting us as they did under Blair.

    Literally everyone else:

    - You can't win votes unless you both accept that you got some things wrong and some things right. Form a broad church of voters by recognising you're in the 2020's now rather than being stuck in the late 1990's/early 2000's or stuck in 2017. We thought that was the reason behind promoting Starmer to leader?

    Tory party:

    - This is so easy. Here's to 9 more years.

  20. #245

    Re: Hammering For Labour In Hartlepool

    Looking forward to a searing book-length exposé from a journalist from the Home Counties on how the Conservatives have left behind their heartlands…

    "There is a Labour Metro Mayor for John Major's old constituency, Margaret Thatcher's old constituency has a Labour Assembly Member and David Cameron's house has a Labour county councillor"

    Isn't it possible that the young and new working class have just left the north of England are decades of government's centralising investment into the south of England and austerity deliberately targeting traditional northern Labour arears?

  21. #246

    Re: Hammering For Labour In Hartlepool

    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
    Labour centre:

    - Nothing that happened under Blair has contributed to Tory dominance ever since. It's all the fault of the Labour left.

    Labour left:

    - Nothing that happened over past 10 years has contributed to Tory dominance ever since - it's someone else's fault and we'll never accept centre ousting us as they did under Blair.

    Literally everyone else:

    - You can't win votes unless you both accept that you got some things wrong and some things right. Form a broad church of voters by recognising you're in the 2020's now rather than being stuck in the late 1990's/early 2000's or stuck in 2017. We thought that was the reason behind promoting Starmer to leader?

    Tory party:

    - This is so easy. Here's to 9 more years.

  22. #247

    Re: Hammering For Labour In Hartlepool

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    6000 majority for the tories

    Not only does starmer need to go , I think its the end of Labour

    Time for a left of centre party, Labour is done . I vote for them because I will never vote conservative but they are finished in my opinion
    Labour have lost the support of the traditional traditional working class man. It started with smary Blair and the self-serving smaryites, and the last death for the party knell was Sir Kier Starmer taking the knee to an out and out Marxist organisation. That one dumb move alone, probably cost Labour thousands of votes in Hartlepool. It's time the Labour luvvies left London and moved north if they want to understand what their traditional voters want, and how to get them back.

  23. #248

    Re: Hammering For Labour In Hartlepool

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Soul '68 View Post
    Labour have lost the support of the traditional traditional working class man. It started with smary Blair and the self-serving smaryites, and the last death for the party knell was Sir Kier Starmer taking the knee to an out and out Marxist organisation. That one dumb move alone, probably cost Labour thousands of votes in Hartlepool. It's time the Labour luvvies left London and moved north if they want to understand what their traditional voters want, and how to get them back.
    It really is simple IMO.

    Drop identity politics, show some pride in the country and keep the likes of Owen Jones and Ash Sakar at a looooong distance.

    Don’t allow the likes of Lady Nugee pour scorn on the electorate and the provincial voters can return.

  24. #249

    Re: Hammering For Labour In Hartlepool

    Quote Originally Posted by Wash DC Blue View Post
    It really is simple IMO.

    Drop identity politics, show some pride in the country and keep the likes of Owen Jones and Ash Sakar at a looooong distance.

    Don’t allow the likes of Lady Nugee pour scorn on the electorate and the provincial voters can return.
    I think its too late and time for change

    Its 2021

    Its a busted flush

  25. #250

    Re: Hammering For Labour In Hartlepool

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    I think its too late and time for change

    Its 2021

    Its a busted flush
    Maybe Blue Labour will be considered by the NEC. Zero chance of it happening, but
    that’s what I would like to see.

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